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A bear story


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So I rebuilt that nice ruin that initially looked like an old medieval stone bridge. Winter arrived and the ruin had grown into a mini castle with only one way up. You had to jump from one block over a gap onto a higher block and then onto a ladder three blocks above. I felt smart and safe.

Until that one winter night when I parked my character in the yard under the starry sky and switched to my second monitor to pass the time while reading some VS tips, when suddenly a loud roar almost gave me a heart attack. My first bear attack! That thing just laughed at my oh so clever entrance, climbed up to me and chased me around my home. I was filled with pie, thus survived 2 hits from this murder machine. With only one health segment left I managed to hide in my kitchen.

The bear then lost aggro, climbed back down and headed toward my lovely little pen containing 2 pigs and 2 chickens and tried to kill them by punching through a 1 block thick, 2 block high wall of logs with fences on top (to no avail). I quickly knapped 4 flint spears, sprinted from the kitchen to the castle edge and started hurling those spears at it. Smart as I am I forgot to remove the ladder first, but I managed to kill it before it was able to hop on it, but ONLY because it took additional damage from the spears stuck in the ground. *bing b-bing bing b-b-b-bing bing* :D

The lesson I've learned: Extra safety measures against bears are vital!


What was your most memorable encounter with a bear?

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I was out and about on a calm rift night to explore and gather some resources (I think I was looking for trees for my first batch of charcoal).  I turned the corner around a two block high bush and saw a very nice statue not 2 blocks away from me.  Upon seeing such a wonderful creation I said to myself, "self?  I don't recall statues being in the patch notes."  THEN my next thought was "YIKES!" with a very capital YIKES!  as the realization hit that I was looking at a brown bear standing upon his hind legs looking off into the distance while I gawked at him all nice and nekkid - not one lick of armor upon my mostly fragile frame.  Granted blackguard aren't the fleetest of foot, but somehow I managed to beat feet the heck outa Dodge before that bear managed to land a claw on me.  Never saw it after that even though I've traipsed over that territory incessantly in the year since as it's a route to much of less common resources (chalk, olivine, etc).

Edited by Maelstrom
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My friends and I live in this fortress that I built us on our multiplayer server. One day when I am the only one online, a bear appears out of nowhere. I'm concerned, but it shouldn't be too tough to deal with, right?
The bear ends up climbing the towers of the fortress, chasing me around them. I would climb one to try and shoot it from afar with a bow, and it would make a  massive leap to reach me. At one point it jumped through an unfinished roof and ended up INSIDE the fortress too. I ended up dying three times I think, eventually got it when it decided to take a swim in a lake and reduce it's agility drastically.

The moral of the story is.. uh... I don't know actually. Don't let bears chase you around your fortress? Bears can jump further than you expected? Sure, that one makes sense. Let's go with that.

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13 hours ago, ifoz said:

The bear ends up climbing the towers of the fortress, chasing me around them. I would climb one to try and shoot it from afar with a bow, and it would make a  massive leap to reach me. At one point it jumped through an unfinished roof and ended up INSIDE the fortress too.

I just love how unforeseen things can happen in this game. Just like that one time when a wolf, instead of losing interest after following 10 meters, suddenly chased me through the night for several hundred meters all the way back to my place. It hit me twice and almost had me, may be that was the reason. Either way, it's nice to see that the AI isn't quite as monotonous as I thought.

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Last night was mining olivine during a temporal storm.  Towards the end killed a nightmare drifter to restore almost all of my temporal stability.  While topping off the last stack of olivine in my inventory had a sawblade spawn practically on top of me.  The first sign I knew it was there was it's first attack.  The first sound of the buzzsaw wasn't heard until I was reading "Congratulations!  You died."  All I could think was "damn!  That was quick."

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