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How to disable desert/chalk sand storms?


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My entire screen is white, I can't see further than 4 blocks away. I've tried various weather commands, changing the wind, changing the time and date. Nothing stops it, I basically have to wait which is very lame.

/weather by itself shows no weather events by the way when this is happening, and wind speed has no effect on it.

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Just to check, are you playing with default world settings? Or is your world perhaps a bit taller than normal?

There are currently some issues with larger world heights than the default 256 blocks - which is to say, they aren't properly supported by all game systems yet. Including weather. When it rains (and perhaps for other weather events as well, I don't know), the game generates a fog effect that scales with altitude, getting denser to higher you get, to simulate the effect of super low hanging, actively breaking rainclouds. And that altitude doesn't scale with world height. So when you play in a world with more than 256 blocks height, then it's perfectly possible for there to be as much weather fog at sea level as you'd find in a default world at cloud height, which reduces your visibility to near zero.

You can check if the kind of fog you get is this type of fog by entering the command /weather setprecip 0. This should clear it up - if it doesn't, then there's something else at work. Afterwards, set the value back to auto to re-enable normal weather behavior.

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1 minute ago, Streetwind said:

Just to check, are you playing with default world settings? Or is your world perhaps a bit taller than normal?

There are currently some issues with larger world heights than the default 256 blocks - which is to say, they aren't properly supported by all game systems yet. Including weather. When it rains (and perhaps for other weather events as well, I don't know), the game generates a fog effect that scales with altitude, getting denser to higher you get, to simulate the effect of super low hanging, actively breaking rainclouds. And that altitude doesn't scale with world height. So when you play in a world with more than 256 blocks height, then it's perfectly possible for there to be as much weather fog at sea level as you'd find in a default world at cloud height, which reduces your visibility to near zero.

You can check if the kind of fog you get is this type of fog by entering the command /weather setprecip 0. This should clear it up - if it doesn't, then there's something else at work. Afterwards, set the value back to auto to re-enable normal weather behavior.

Interesting, didn't know that can happen. But it seems I just wasn't waiting long enough for chaning the wind settings to modify the storm. "/weather setw still" stops it, and "/weather setw storm" starts it. It's clearly listed under /weather as Wind: Storm also when it's happening.

I went through all the weather settings before asking this, so I think when I changed the wind, before the storm disappeared the wind must have became a storm again on its own.

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