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Ability to put Hoods Up or Down


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I would love to see the ability to toggle your hood/cloak between 'hood up' and 'hood down'.
I know this may require a few tiny model adjustments or new models, but I would love to have the ability to have my character's cloaked hood around his neck in the warmer months, as opposed to a raised hood in the winter.
I think it would just add a lot of personality to characters who wear hoods and cloaks! :D 

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It's such a little thing, but I love this idea. Roleplaying isn't everyone's cup of tea, but everyone likes customizing their character. And when it comes to roleplaying Vintage Story has a very strong foundation for that kind of gameplay as well. I used to roleplay a lot back when I still played WoW, enjoying the adventure of exploring the world and whatnot, but there just wasn't a game to really fill those particular niches after I quit. Oddly enough, Vintage Story managed to fill that void though, even better than WoW ever could.

I'm not sure how the coding would work though; it feels like an action that may require the head slot to be free(at least on for the cosmetic slot). Some of the hats available could probably be worn under a hood just fine(like the gem-encrusted fur hat), but others just don't make any sense at all(looking at you, bamboo and straw hats!). Of course, that could just be left up to the player to decide for simplicity's sake, no matter how goofy it might look. And some players do prefer goofy rather than serious.

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Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, LadyWYT said:

Roleplaying isn't everyone's cup of tea, but everyone likes customizing their character. And when it comes to roleplaying Vintage Story has a very strong foundation for that kind of gameplay as well.

If you remember my crazy 'Malefactor is a member of the flock' theory I once posted about on your Resonance Archives thread, I fleshed this out and turned it into the backstory of my main character who is a Malefactor! He's noble-born but was recruited by his local lord to be a spy against the Flock. After actually seeing what they were going through, he grew a conscience and tried to help them in their heists. Unfortunately, his local lord found out and outed him as a traitor, meaning the upper class hated him because he supported the Flock, and the Flock hated him because he was a spy. There's a bit more to it, but my point is that I love how much you can roleplay in this game! Dressing my character up in clothes that fit into this story and look like something that he as a character would wear is really fun.

My little town that I am building also has blue as it's main colour and various blue banners around the town, so my Malefactor wearing his blue scarf and sash makes him seem patriotic to his town, which I purposefully designed with blue as the main colour on the banners for that reason. :D 

Edited by ifoz
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23 minutes ago, ifoz said:

If you remember my crazy 'Malefactor is a member of the flock' theory I once posted about on your Resonance Archives thread, I fleshed this out and turned it into the backstory of my main character who is a Malefactor! He's noble-born but was recruited by his local lord to be a spy against the Flock. After actually seeing what they were going through, he grew a conscience and tried to help them in their heists. Unfortunately, his local lord found out and outed him as a traitor, meaning the upper class hated him because he supported the Flock, and the Flock hated him because he was a spy. There's a bit more to it, but my point is that I love how much you can roleplay in this game! Dressing my character up in clothes that fit into this story and look like something that he as a character would wear is really fun.

I love it! I do this in my worlds as well, even if I'm the only player there 😀 Although I'm pretty sure if I was going the multiplayer route I'd end up as that rough mercenary type that only ventures into town once in a blue moon. What I need to do though is create a world that I actually hold onto for a while. I had a couple that had a couple hundred hours of playtime each, but they both got wiped when I was trying to figure out hardware issues 😑 The world I'm on currently...the resources feel okay but I am not loving the bright orange rocks that are everywhere.

Back on the subject of hoods though--I'm really not sure how easy or difficult this would be to implement, but if you could "disguise" your seraph identity by wearing certain headgear and covering clothing...I don't really know what purpose it would serve outside of roleplaying with other people. It depends a lot on how NPCs are further implemented. If there are NPCs that are wary of or otherwise antagonistic towards seraphs, I could see it serving as a way to deal with some of them. Or perhaps just existing as an option to get a bit of extra flavor in some interactions, but achieving the same end goal as talking to them without a disguise effort.

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, LadyWYT said:

Although I'm pretty sure if I was going the multiplayer route I'd end up as that rough mercenary type that only ventures into town once in a blue moon.

In the latest multiplayer world that my friends and I are doing, we have all split off from each other and are making our own little towns.
Since I'm playing Malefactor, I have kind of become the builder, with my town currently having the most infrastructure.
Our 'rough mercenary' blackguard lives a strange life in his restored ruined cathedral, called the 'Chapel of Dave' :D


21 hours ago, LadyWYT said:

The world I'm on currently...the resources feel okay but I am not loving the bright orange rocks that are everywhere.

Initially my world had the most boring and basic spawn (gravel plains) but journeying North, I found a really cool mountainous limestone area that I based my town in.
I recommend just going exploring to find somewhere to base that fits your aesthetic preferences, though you could always try looking for a new seed.
At least you know where bauxite is!


21 hours ago, LadyWYT said:

Back on the subject of hoods though--I'm really not sure how easy or difficult this would be to implement, but if you could "disguise" your seraph identity by wearing certain headgear and covering clothing...I don't really know what purpose it would serve outside of roleplaying with other people. It depends a lot on how NPCs are further implemented. If there are NPCs that are wary of or otherwise antagonistic towards seraphs, I could see it serving as a way to deal with some of them. Or perhaps just existing as an option to get a bit of extra flavor in some interactions, but achieving the same end goal as talking to them without a disguise effort.

This is a really cool idea. I like it when games offer the opportunity to do stuff like this! Getting some extra unique dialogue from say, meeting Jonas and not immediately being recognisable as a Seraph could be quite funny. Or if you wore only your starting class clothing, he might recognise you straight away instead of having to take a moment.

Edited by ifoz
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