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Would it be able to have a pre generated real world?


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Of course I use many mods, mostly notably, "Biomes", "Rivers" and the various "Floral Zones" mods.

Taking that into account I'd like to know if it would be possible, be it through a mod or a specific seed to generate a map with irl geography (like the placements of the islands, the format of the continents, the places with more or less rain etc)

That way I would randomly spawn somewhere in the real world and could use my knowledge of geography to find myself around etc

of course I mean only the general shape of the regions not the placements of lakes, mineral deposits, rivers etc

but having the altitude format of most continents, temperature, forestation, rain amount be somewhat equivelent to irl would be awsome


i dunno how much work it would take or if it even is possible but I think it would be interesting nonetheless

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  • 2 weeks later...

This kind of stuff has been done before in Minecraft, so I guarantee it is just a matter of time before someone decides to do this for Vintage Story!
It would require the development of tools for porting images or geological data/maps of some kind into the game, then making it a custom map available for download, though.

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17 hours ago, ifoz said:

This kind of stuff has been done before in Minecraft, so I guarantee it is just a matter of time before someone decides to do this for Vintage Story!
It would require the development of tools for porting images or geological data/maps of some kind into the game, then making it a custom map available for download, though.

I think in some other games players have essentially built the map's landmasses from scratch and then used scripts to generate all the resources and whatnot on world creation. I don't know how feasible that is for Vintage Story, but I do agree that it's just a matter of time before someone figures out how to make a real-world map, whether it be players or the devs themselves.

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