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Clockmaker-esq Suspenders as an Accessory


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I know this is a really weird and niche suggestion that probably only I will want, but hear me out.
I would really like to see a pair of suspenders like the Clockmaker Shirt has, but as a standalone accessory. This way you could match them with any shirt instead of only one.
I think they look really cool on the Clockmaker, and would like to pair them with other clothing.
Maybe make them sold by Clothing Traders so that all classes can obtain and wear them.

Does anyone else care about this or is it only me? 😅

Edited by ifoz
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12 hours ago, ifoz said:

Does anyone else care about this or is it only me? 😅

There are dozens of us, I say. Dozens!

It would be an easy enough item to qualify for the belt slot, although it wouldn't need an actual belt for its model given that suspenders kinda do the same job as a belt. That way the suspenders could be mixed with any of the shirts and pants, no matter how good or bad it looks. Want that rugged workman chic? You got it! Want fashion so horrendous that it will send drifters running for the nearest rift to the Rust? No problem!

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