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Separate World Music and Music Box [Resonator] Audio.


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I play single player without in game music turned on and i noticed the resonator does not play music if the in game music is turned off. is there a way to separate these or move Resonator to Ambient Audio

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From how sounds are layered, I would doubt it. Can you just enable game music for the short time you want to hear what's on the resonator?


On reflection, you might be able to do it if you use an audio interface in addition to a sound card. I've done similar with several different audio tools, sending some outputs to Windows Audio, others to USB. It would depend on when and how the music channel is mixed into the effects channel. But I can't think that it would be worth the effort to do.


Welcome, BTW!


Just realized I could check that pretty easily. No, sorry, it appears the mixing is done within VS. There is only one stereo channel going into Windows Volume Mixer from VS. At least on Win11.

Edited by Thorfinn
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