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How close do I need for things to keep growing/burning/cooking ect.

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I just started playing, and I am wondering how close I need to be to things for them to growing/burn/cook. Is it similar to Minecraft where you need to be in the area for things to actually growing/burn/cook? Or does everything continue no matter how close or far?

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Welcome to the forums! It's a bit of a tricky question to answer, but I believe for the most part all that's needed is for the chunk to be loaded. However, if you leave a particular chunk for a while and come back sometime later(such as coming home after an extended exploration trip), I think how the game handles it is that it updates everything to whatever state it should be in based on how much time has passed. So crops will grow, animals will give birth, food will rot, fires extinguish, etc. The only issues I've run into is that the distiller seems to continue using fuel but will stop distilling liquid if you stray too far from them(more than a few chunks), and sleeping will fast-forward the burn time for fires without doing the same for anything the fire is cooking(ie, the fire burns through all the fuel, but whatever it happened to be cooking will still be in the same state). The exceptions are pit kilns, refractories, coke ovens, and charcoal pits--those all take the time skips into account.

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