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Custom Playstyles


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I discovered your MC mod a few days ago and along with it a better version of Minecraft written in C, with planned RPG mechanics and a development team that actually responds to its community. Sign me up!

However, I do have one concern about the way you are setting the game up with playstyles and what is planned to go into each of them: what if I want features from multiple different playstyles? Harder farming mechanics and jetpacks for example. With the playstyles system, something like that doesn't seem possible. I also remember reading that the reason this was being implemented was to keep options simple.

Therefore, I would propose implementing playsets as a kind of preset and setting up a system where features could be enabled and disabled through a JSON file.

This would also provide a starting point for community made mods to have disableable feature sets.

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Hey, thanks for the purchase :-)
The game is actually written in C# not C, though some libraries we are using are written in C, as C# allows usage of C code.

Yea I probably could set up the playstyles in a way that they are merely presets from a list of configuration options, with one additional "Custom Playstyle" Button. Then the player can freely choose their kind of playstyle.

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Sorry, I have this weird thing in my mind where C, C++ and C# are all C. It confuses a lot of people and I should probably force myself to differentiate a little.

Also considering how people like to package mods together into packs, would one custom Playstyle be enough? Or are these bridges we aren't going to cross until we get to them?

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