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UI suggestion for targeted voxel


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The popup window showing you what voxel/block you are looking at in the top center of the screen - it seems quite far from the focus of the game.

I would suggest the popup somewhere closer to the crosshairs, probably a bit below.
It would only pop up with the character not moving and targeting the same block for x seconds.

It would stay out of sight most of the time but if you wait it out, the game will still tell you what you are looking at.

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yeah, or you could use those few seconds to look up. It's on the top of the screen so it's out of sight and you can just give a quick look when necessary. I don't see why people would stop moving for a few seconds instead of moving their eyes a bit but i guess people have different oppinions on that. But at least from my experience with the game until now i would say that the current system works better. If it's just that you don't want to see it at all unless you really want it to (which is quite often the case once you start paying attention to rock biomes) you could allways just use the hotkey.

Don't mean to talk down on you, just giving my honest oppinion on the topic.

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