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[BUG] - Storage Vessel Preservation Dates

Paul Beverage

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When using the clay-fired storage vessel, I noticed that if you insert a food, remove it, break and reposition the container, then re-insert the food, sometimes, the food fresh expiration date increases.  This is not positional, as moving the container a few blocks away, then putting it back in the original position may still yield a net increase of up to ~4 days.  For example, I have 4 onions that have 27.5 days in my inventory.  Yet, after a few times moving around the container, I have preservation dates that have went up from 96 days (original placement) to 108.2 days (the fourth placement).  In that same time, my inventory now shows 27.4 days when I remove them from the container.

Edited by Paul Beverage
Correcting some language
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The mouseover tooltip of the storage vessel shows you exactly what kind of multiplier you are getting for food preservation. If you see the expiration date of a foodstuff increase, then that must mean the multiplier improved (decreased). Can you check if you can see that effect, and perhaps replicate it?

Note that the "cellar effect", where you place storage vessels underground to improve their food storage multipliers, doesn't just work underground. It actually is always in effect to some degree. Whenever you place the vessel, it looks fo valid blocks (whole, solid blocks made of soil, stone, or ceramics) in its vicinity. And then it calculates what its multipliers should be depending on how many of these blocks it finds. Meaning: even just placing a vessel on a dirt or stone floor instead of a wooden floor will increase the shelf life of contained food. And if you're making changes to your house, then these changes might affect the food storage abilities of your vessels. The vessel may still stand in the same location as before - but its surroundings changed.

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