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The GameOn! Hotfix Release (v1.4.4.1)


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The GameOn! Event is over
...and it was an awesome experience! We were visited by many voxel game enthusiasts that tested our game to the extreme :D
This release should remedy all the issues the we found. Also have some pictures of our booth!

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Thanks to everyone that visited our booth! ❤️
Saraty and Tyron
Picture by Creative Cut


Game Updates

  • Tweak: Updated the game icon to use the tree of the vintage story logo
  • Tweak: Improved flint knapping experience
    • Tweak: Players can no longer mess up. The game prevents you from removing voxels that you need.
    • Tweak: Can no longer break below block while having a flint in hands
    • Tweak: Amplified knapping sounds
    • Fixed: Minor texture issues on the flint knapping surface
    • Fixed: Player able to to break the flint knapping surface while working on it
  • Tweak: Many block info texts are now much better formulated
  • Tweak: Improved ladder climbing experience
    • Player climbs upwards as long as he is walking towards the ladder block (i.e. also when walking backwards)
    • No longer floaty left/right sliding
    • Sneak+Walk on top of a ladder lets you slowly walk over the edge to climb downwards
  • Tweak: Improved collisionboxes for wooden fence corners. They now tightly fit the model.
  • Tweak: Drifters now have a 20% chance to enter a fearful state & run away after getting damaged
  • Tweak: Bighorn sheep now drop more meat
  • Tweak: Fat is now edible and extra nutritious
  • Tweak: Reduced vertical attack range of creatures by 1 block
  • Tweak: Increased creature min spawn distance to player from 10 to 18 blocks
  • Tweak: Increased spear durability
  • Tweak: Added missing track "Peaceful Village"
  • Tweak: Cinematic camera now puts the player in the correct game modes when running the camera path
  • Tweak: Prettier itemstack info box, now auto sizes and removed some useless infos.
  • Fixed: A weird infinite loop causing massive lag when changing view distance and afterwards fly mods. Only seems to happen on some machines.
  • Fixed: Shading issue on iron doors
  • Fixed: Bighorn females always aggressive
  • Fixed: Placing stuff on tool racks crashes the game
  • Fixed: Multiple Snow layers dropping only 1 on breaking
  • Fixed: Creatures not multiplying
  • Fixed: Block breaking decals no longer disappearing in some cases
  • Fixed: Some file naming issues causing the client not to start on linux (i hope i fixed them all)
  • Fixed: .fog and.cam command crashing the game with invalid args
  • Fixed: Weird underwater horizontal floating issue when walking straight
  • Fixed: z-fighting on ice blocks and chicken feet
  • Fixed: Light items dropped in water not floating all the way up to the surface
  • Fixed some other very minor things
  • API Feature: The blocktype configuration now allows a -"byType" modifier everywhere! (thanks to CreativeMD)


Was forced to also release because all blocks became unstackable

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nice pictures.

sadly, the naming problems on linux still exist.

  • the music file "night to day.ogg".
  • all the star textures in the enviroment directory like "starsbk.png".
  • all the painting textures like "acitasluna.png".


all the files listed should be lowercase. by the way: is windows case insensitive?

Edited by stefan
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Aw, thanks for the feedback. Right, I thought I could fix the star textures internally but that failed. I'll update the engine to no longer convert every file name to lower case. That should fix it.

Yes, windows is and always has been case insensitive when it comes to accessing files :|

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