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Airships Share your thoughts?


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I could go crazy with ideas, many of them probably out of scope of a "realistic" survival experience.

I'm a huge fan of moving villages/cities like the books/movie "Mortal Engines". So I'd personally disagree with your

9 minutes ago, SodaCrumb said:

Limited size to avoid people taking animals in pens


But that's just me and I see why you want to limit it and on behalf of the realistic direction of VS, I do agree with you, personal preferences aside. Also, the larger the structure, the harder to make it running bug-free and performance-friendly I guess.

Small airships for exploring the beautiful landscapes would be awesome, and maybe in addition some kind of challange like weather. Yes, I'd like that!


Edited by skalibran
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As long as moving animals around won't get much easier than in minecraft i don't think it would become an issue to have pens on airships.

But like with minecraft flying machines restricting the size (in MC via piston push limit) can actually make designing one more impressive, and if it's only the restriction of it needs to always completely be loaded to work.

maybe the bigger the airship the slower it gets? Let's say engines create thrust in distance/verhicleblock*second and need space like windmills and maybe you'd need something creating buoyancy with a similar unit, at some point, the ratio between number of engines/buoyancy bodies and size of the airship will return dropping benefits the further the ship gets expanded. especially if you'd need engines to the sides to maneuver too.

You still could build big airship cities or something similar, but they'd be quite slow, maybe even stationary, while smaller airships will be relatively fast.

Edited by Hal13
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  • 2 months later...

What about a flying maschine with a mediaval touch - some inspiration examples from "Leonardo Da Vinci" Flying



but I see, that in VS we have only Westwind? It would be very nice to have winds also from all 4 or better from all 8 other directions or even from all possible 360° directions.

I have also second idea, what about Gryphons, they should be dangerous, and they are large enough to transport a person, gryphons are living only in very high mountain-bioms, but if can steel an egg, you can tamming a small gryphon and after 1-3 years you can fly and hunt with him, it would be better than a horse or minecart or a boat ;)https://www.google.com/search?q=Gryphons&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjO4-jL-crvAhWjgM4BHZt2ABkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Gryphons&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BggAEAcQHjoGCAAQChAYOgQIABAYUOQmWIYpYIM5aABwAHgAgAFwiAHFAZIBAzEuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=mT9cYI6zN6OBur4Pm-2ByAE&bih=949&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-d

or instead of a gryphon a dragon ;) or both...

Edited by RobinHood
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On 1/6/2021 at 8:55 AM, skalibran said:

I could go crazy with ideas, many of them probably out of scope of a "realistic" survival experience.

I'm a huge fan of moving villages/cities like the books/movie "Mortal Engines". So I'd personally disagree with your


But that's just me and I see why you want to limit it and on behalf of the realistic direction of VS, I do agree with you, personal preferences aside. Also, the larger the structure, the harder to make it running bug-free and performance-friendly I guess.

Small airships for exploring the beautiful landscapes would be awesome, and maybe in addition some kind of challenge like weather. Yes, I'd like that!


Having Hazard's for AirShip's would make it more immersive in the fact its a flying balloon with a platform of sorts under it, be it smoke/smog can weigh it down from forest fires or extended exposure to a desert can cause sand to accumulate on or in the ship.  As for wind and rain would depend on the form or propulsion in use or the weight capacity before the ship could get water logged or start freezing over if at a high enough altitude.

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