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More complicated inventory and crafting system


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Since it is possible not to collect items automatically and there are rumors of improvements to the crafting, how about removing the quick bar completely and leaving only the hands (maybe a few pockets)? then at the start of the game you will need to create a local "workshop" on the ground with basic resources and sit down to create primitive tools Not in a 3x3 grid (perhaps this will be implemented as a "mini-game" "). the good news is that you can find, buy or make a belt for tools (ax, hammer, pickaxe), and for a sword and knife there is a case. You might consider adding pockets for berries or herbs.

Edited by MrBryMan
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4 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

Да, это звучит ... очень утомительно? Мне нравится скучать, но если мне приходится тратить 30-60 секунд на то, чтобы шлепать палки по земле каждый раз, когда я хочу собрать одну кирку, тогда я буду удивляться, насколько игра ценит мое драгоценное время.

I do not argue that this is not very convenient, but judge for yourself: you are in a bare field and a couple of stones and sticks are at hand. sat down, made a couple of instruments and walked on. this is inconvenient until the moment you have baskets, then it becomes simpler.

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