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Season Changes


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This is a little bit of an inane question, but I was wondering if anyone had any idea of the day that the seasons change within a 30 day per month calendar. I'm trying to get a better grasp of the exact time when the seasons change, primarily to get a hold of crop growth and hunting before the harsh winter hits.

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I haven't tested this, but I think it's on the 21st of the equinox/solstice months?

The way I'd test this quickly is to create a new creative world with months set to 30 days, and then `/time speed 9999999` and watch the days fly by. I'd probably try slowing it down a bit on the 19th of June so you can see what time during which day the season changes.

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It depends on the number of days per month that you can configure for the server, see https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=List_of_server_commands

  • Press t and enter /worldConfig daysPerMonth to see the configured number of days per month.For instance, if the number is 9, then the month ends after 9 days. So after January 9, the next day is February 1.
  • Press t and enter /wgen pos climate to see the current season of the chunk.

With these commands, you can check on which "dates" the season changes on your server.

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