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Server Settings Help!


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I've started a new server (for my family to play on) and I'm having trouble configuring the settings. Example: How to set if certain blocks will fall, how long seasons are, etc. I also am unsure how to give myself admin control while in the server. It always says that I don't have permission. If anyone could help simplify this for me that would be amazing. This is the first time messing with a server and I feel a little lost. 

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On the server-side there should be a `serverconfig.json` file that has all the initial world configuration settings in it. If you're unsure what to set them to, here's the wiki page on world config settings: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=List_of_server_commands#.2Fworldconfig

I'm not sure about granting yourself an admin role, I haven't gotten that far in server management myself yet (I've just toyed around with setting up a server while using a single player "open to LAN" world to play with a friend).

Edited by TristamIzumi
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