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Vintage Story portable Version

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Portable or self-contained. I am not sure what the right expression is.

What I mean is for either the game itself changed or to have a version that is contained in one Directory.

I would like for a way to modify game files without messing with my personal game files.

I wish for a game that keeps all its files inside one directory, no %appdat%, no user/local/temp.  

The main benefit for me is that at any moment I would be able to keep my working files in that directory and go play for a bit, without the need to constantly have to restore the original files and remove my not yet working mods.

Also, that in itself would make possible to have different versions of the game on the same computer. Something that any player that uses Multiplayer needs one time or another.

When an update comes, sometimes it breaks compatibility with one or another mod. Everyone wants to try the new update, but it may take a while for servers to be able to get the new update. Most of the times, servers need to wait for modders to update their mods before the server can update.

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Make a launch.bat file containing

VintageStory.exe --dataPath D:\path\to\datafolder

alternatively, what just came into my mind, you can make vintagestory believe it's in a dev environmenet which causes it to place it's data files into the same folder as the binaries. For that you have to move out the assets from the binaries folder, i.e.

  1. Create a new folder vintagestory. Place the %appdata%/VintageStory/assets in there
  2. Create a subfolder binaries. Place the rest of %appdata%/VintageStory/assets in there
  3. In the vintagestory folder create a launch.bat like this
    rem set cwd to the directory of the exe file
    cd %~dp0
    cd binaries
    call VintageStory.exe


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On 5/2/2018 at 2:15 AM, Tyron said:

Make a launch.bat file containing

VintageStory.exe --dataPath D:\path\to\datafolder

alternatively, what just came into my mind, you can make vintagestory believe it's in a dev environmenet which causes it to place it's data files into the same folder as the binaries. For that you have to move out the assets from the binaries folder, i.e.

  1. Create a new folder vintagestory. Place the %appdata%/VintageStory/assets in there
  2. Create a subfolder binaries. Place the rest of %appdata%/VintageStory/assets in there
  3. In the vintagestory folder create a launch.bat like this
    rem set cwd to the directory of the exe file
    cd %~dp0
    cd binaries
    call VintageStory.exe



I am really sorry to keep bothering, but I cant understand steps 1 and 2. Once I place the %appdata%/Vintagestory/assets in there, I have no rest of %appdata%/Vintagestory/assets.

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