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Tanning Racks and Leather!!


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So basically, this idea would be to incorporate a tanning rack system into the game. First off, you should be tanning hide through a rack to create leather. That also leads to other creations from my other suggestions. You could use it to create handbags (cheaper alternative to backpacks), leather armor, custom grips for tools and weapons, art, and so on. The leather rack would be crafted by placing three logs on the bottom of the crafting inventory in a line. Next you would put cobweb or string in the middle block. And finally surround it by sticks. Once crafted you would hang hide on it and wait for it to cure in maybe half an in game day. After that you would use your knife to tan it. The mechanics would be in a way similar to crafting a flint knife. Instead of knocking out pieces you would drag over the entire piece two or three times, each time making each individual block of the hide lose some color. In the end it would finally result into a leather piece. You could then dye it if wanted thru other systems to be discussed later on.

That's all. Let me know if you like this idea or not, comment why you did or didn't, and let me know if i should continue with ideas as i have a LOT for this game lol.

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