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DOA in a new world

Ryan Nienhuis

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Its not very common, but occasionally, after generating a new world, the game will spawn you in right next to a wolf.  It will kill your right quick, before you even know whats happening. When you respawn it will put you in the exact same place.  The wolf is still there.  It still kills you right quick. This could give an unlucky new player a really bad first impression.  It might not be a bad idea to somehow prevent this from happening.  I don't have any specific suggestions for that, though.

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This is an excellent suggestion! Currently, wolves do become full after eating something and will not attack anything again for a while but it would be nice to have to worry about being killed so shortly after spawning. This can be quite an issue on MP servers. This also applies to respawn at the world spawn. Nothing is worse than dying before you've established a base, only to die again. A solution for this might be when a player spawns at the world spawn, it despawns all hostile mobs within a certain radius.

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