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Posts posted by Malnaur

  1. 12 portions water and 12 eggs in a cooking pot should produce 12 hard boiled eggs with extended spoilage time and eaten out of hand (no bowl).

    25 boiled eggs in 50l of brine should pickle eggs for very long spoilage time like pickled vegetables.

    Sat in all cases should follow the standard conventions for cooked/pickled food.

  2. 22 hours ago, idiomcritter said:

    discord any better on response?

    Discord came through! I now have a prototype mod to wake at dawn. A bit hacky but it seems to work for single player. Need multiplayer on servers too though..

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Thorfinn said:

    This one still bothers me. How exactly is expressing my preferences "runining" things for you or anyone else?

    And if somehow it does, didn't you do exactly that in the OP and pretty much every one of your replies?

    Because, unless you are a compulsive poster or a troll, you would not have taken the time to post your first response, much less the rest, if you truly didn't care. You clearly disagree with my suggestion so strongly that you felt the need to chime in here with 'do not do this'. No matter how much you digress with soft words, your purpose seems clear. I wouldn't make such an effort unless I thought the suggestion would damage the game. my suggestion is absolutely innocuous and would have zero impact on your play style. I guarantee the devs are spending far more time on other features you also will not use. All of this said, this forum smells like a honey trap the devs rarely if ever pay attention to and diverts players from complaining directly, Otherwise, it would be part of the git repo workflow.  So I doubt you ever have to worry about my distracting them. I'm done beating this horse. It's dead, Jim.

  4. Maple trees everywhere but no maple syrup?!?

    Bronze or better forging of taps.

    Buckets to collect the sap.

    A non-alcohol reason to craft the boiler, no condenser needed (30l of sap reduces to 2l of syrup)/

    Alternative to honey in food recipes but not poultices

    No wax, of course

    Sap collection only works in March

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

    It's an interesting idea. Another use for temporal gears that still wouldn't make it worth bothering killing drifters. ;) 

    You know there is a whole tier of crafting advanced devices using exotic components that must be harvested from various spiders, right? Part of the rest of what the game offers.

    And, no, typing console commands is not a solution to an already immersion disrupting hack around. I'm sorry @Thorfinn, but IMHO I don't think you are playing the game other than superficially and ignoring much of what makes it unique, If that's your thing. enjoy, but don't ruin things for the rest of us. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    I'm not sure how I got to be the bad guy here. My first 3 posts were, "OK, that's a perfectly fine suggestion. I personally would never use it, and would prefer the time spent on other features." That's it. But apparently I can't say that? Because it's discourteous or something? Everything else in those posts was politely answering your specific questions.

    Forums like this are 'soft' voting venues where the devs will form opinions based on the feedback a post attracts. If they pay attention at all and don't use them as a honey trap to distract players from contacting them directly. Although certainly polite, your post was, in effect, a 'no' vote, whatever disclaimers you included. That's what I reacted to. What I would really prefer the devs focus on is fixing the myriad buggy and discrepant mechanics that are a continuous source of minor irritation and will never get fixed if they continue relentlessly pushing out new features. Technical debt has ruined many promising games and I would like this one to live a long and happy life.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

    Depends on what I want to do each game. Minimal on new releases. Usually CarryOn, not for extra (if inconvenient) inventory,  but so I don't have to empty storage containers just to move them. Been fiddling with that new pair, Favorite and something that mimics Terraria's Sort To Chests. Often the fixed firepit, because it does automatically what I could have done manually. Pretty much stuff that I could be doing at night anyway. 

    Once I'm satisfied I've experienced the game as intended I'll try out others' visions - Expanded Foods, Primitive Survival,  Wildcraft, Meteoric something(which could probably fall into utility category for as little difference as it makes to gameplay), the @Vinter Nacht mods, Medieval Expansion, etc. Not all at once, though.

    OK. I don't see how you get to the end stage by Fall of the first year even working through the night and the math on animals says gen 2 is almost impossible on that time scale. That said, I would guess you have experienced less than "everything ...  the game has to offer" as I am still discovering new underground structures and new landscapes I haven't seen before and you cannot have done things like plant a fruit orchard (easily a two+ year activity) or built a substantial dwelling.

    You and I have very different play styles and that's why I want options to suit mine without denying you yours. I ask for the same courtesy.

  8. Although I am an experienced developer, I'm still at the 'use other mods as starting points' stage with VS. How would I access ephemeris data to detect if it's dawn yet? Is there a day/night flag somewhere or a sun position value I can access through the API? Since the day/night cycle varies with latitude, I assume this would be a local value to my current position.


  9. 18 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

    I have a lot of time in the game, but I've never played a single player world for 700+ hours. What's that, like 9, 10 years? What I consider mid-game is maybe mid-summer of year 1. By early to mid fall, I usually have everything done the game has to offer except animals are often only 2nd generation, and, of course, chiseling. Yes, that includes at least a full set of steel tools (which basically requires at least 1 fully-upgraded windmill) and the Resonance Archives.

    @Thorfinn Are you using mods?

  10. @BalmoraPete Thanks for your perspective. By mid-game you should have a steady surplus of the basic food and materials you need without a lot of work. I have no idea what these people are doing all night EVERY night. You certainly can't explore at night because you can't see anything. Thorfinn says they have no problem doing pretty much anything at night, which does not seem possible with drifters swarming most nights (not to mention the whole "can't see anything" part). VS was inspired by Minecraft AFAIK and Minecraft has sleeping until dawn baked into its DNA. This should not be a heavy lift for the devs or a controversial feature. I don't get it.

  11. @Thorfinn OK, I'm stumped. You say night makes no difference for essentially any outdoor activity but you handle drifters by outrunning them? When you can't even see where to run? In moments, on any night with rift activity above 'calm', you will be harassed by drifters. I truly cannot square your description with the game I've played so much of. What's your secret?

  12. 11 minutes ago, Thorfinn said:

    I have nothing against the option, just that from my point of view, whatever time was spent on development of that feature would be utterly wasted because it's an option I cannot imagine a single situation in which I would find it useful. Not in the current game design, anyway. There is always something you can be doing to improve your situation, and there is no benefit at all to sleeping, only a cost. But if someday sleeping provides a benefit of some sort -- substantially reduced hunger rate, faster healing (though healing in a non-combat situation is a non-issue by no more than end of day 1) -- anything, I'd reconsider whether it might be of use.

    What can I spend the night profitably doing when I am away from my base traveling and the drifters are swarming? Even at base, you claim you always have important tasks to accomplish every night, all night? I imagine you don't even have a bed? Ever?

    BTW, the sleep machinery is already there. They need to add maybe 2 lines of code to add a check for dawn as well as elapsed total time. I'm including adding the option selection code. OK, three lines of code.

  13. @kingdrasker I would expect animals to have evolved to deal with nearby events. When they sense a predator (or prey), they respond. Depending on the perception range for different animals in the game, when you are outside that, I expect an animal to be bewildered to suddenly be hurt. They have no idea what an 'arrow' is. Bears, as apex predators, don't fear much IRL. Herd animals seem to panic a lot since many moving targets are harder to focus on. So, it could go either way, I guess.

  14. @kingdrasker I watched again and see the whirling motion. Oddly, the sound is the bow draw sound so I assumed a slingshot. It's still too rapid fire to be a real sling. Either way, I get plenty of challenge in the woods where long-range is not an option :) Here's an example of sling ammo (slingshot is the same ammo) as the sling gets its benefit from high velocity (both range and kinetic energy on hit) versus throwing.


  15. @kingdrasker OK. I see where you're going with this. I still think you undervalue your ability to even hit things at long range. THAT's the disincentive. It takes considerable skill/practice to do that and many players won't get there. To continue your notion, it appears the 'sling' is actually a 'slingshot' and not a conventional sling. So, it is really another form of bow in practice. That makes it easy on the devs but not a genuinely different experience. If you had an actual sling that required whirling around between shots, you would have more challenge. Also, although the game renders these missiles as fist sized, actual sling ammo is closer to a pebble in size (more like a bullet). They could require knapping to make them like forging arrow heads. All this would increase the premium on using the sling and make you feel more rewarded?

  16. @kingdrasker I wasn't commenting on your play style but pointing out that the behavior you describe may not be as realistic as it would seem. The current behavior is certainly not hyperdetailed in any event. I guess I'm confused as to how you would want the encounter to play out? If you want animals to run then it's a long chase. OK, if that's good for you. If you want them to attack, I guess that's easily achieved by getting closer before hitting them. If you want the full experience, you can strip naked and take them on barehanded (briefly). I don't think you are forced to engage at long range (the video shows how much loft you need to even hit the bear that far away). Impressive shot BTW. If you get closer first, then the behaviors you will get will be just what you describe, I think. The 'progress' you have achieved is the ability to hit your targets from great distances (which is NOT trivial given semi-real physics here). What am I missing?

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