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Spear and Fang

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Posts posted by Spear and Fang

  1. Thanks @Devestatio! This was indeed originally posted on Halloween, but sadly, I ended up having to blow up the old post to get it reposted with this shiny new layout/documentation.  Maybe there will be some new additions for next Halloween, since it was a lot of fun collaborating with @Tech_Rabbit over on the RabbitTech Server for their big Halloween event.

  2. On 11/8/2020 at 10:16 AM, Владислав Кудряшов said:

    To be more realistic I'd like to see alternative ways to make firepits. For example using fat to fuel it and may be fur as alternative to grass in firestarter and bones as alternative to sticks. Probably fish bones and fat are not good enough but maybe seal creature would do the thing. Ability to butcher wiht only blade with much lesser speed.

    Whew firepits is a little out of my league.  This is one for Tyron, so you might add it to #suggestions on the Vintage Story Discord.

  3. There's quite a bit going on behind the scenes, but nothing related to the things you've mentioned.  It's fairly basic but seems to be reliable and predictable game-play wise (which was no small feat, because modding in water presents a lot of unique challenges).  The fish traps all have their own unique and random behaviors and considerations, fish can die and rot right in traps (if they don't escape first) and bait can rot too (if it's not stolen first), different fish offer up different amounts of nourishment, and they're pretty tough to process (cook) and manage (inventory wise) since there's many types.  Honestly, I made it relatively easy to catch fish because that's only a part of the process.  I'm kind of enjoying playing it, but I'm a little biased.

    I snared my first rabbit not too long ago so there's that too.

    If you haven't taken it for a spin yet you might hold off until the next release (maybe in a couple of weeks).  I've got some basic animation working now for the fishes, which, along with the particles (bubbles) has made things a little more lively.

  4. I've only been at it for a couple of months.  Tyron could surely implement this whole thing (but better) in a matter of weeks.  Again, my mod is out there and easy enough to find if he's looking for ideas or assets to expedite the process.  My code is meh...I mean, every time I refactor it I learn a few new things and want to refactor it again, so there's not much worth harvesting there.  I'm going to refine the fishing components a bit more and maybe add some new fish, but at this point I'm mostly leveraging it as a jumping off point to go in a little different direction...

  5. I spend a fair amount of time on Discord but am just seeing that poll for the first time, so thanks!  I must admit that my emotions are a little mixed right now.  On the one hand I'm extremely happy that fishing seems to be of interest to everyone, but on the other hand I wasn't under that impression at all (until seeing that recent poll). 

    When I decided to build this mod, I had a good look at what was out there for mods, and had a look at this thread wishlist...

    ...and my feeling was that fishing simply wasn't going to happen any time soon.  As much as I love Vintage Story, I felt that the water was a barren wasteland and that digging holes to capture animals was a little...well...weird, so it seemed like I could build this mod and fill those gaps quite nicely for a long time to come.

    Tyron's been doing a great job and I believe that he prefers to be a one man show, so I'd imagine he'll just tackle fishing himself.  If he wants to borrow any of my assets or ideas or whatever, I'd consider it an honor and move on to something else.  I'm just learning the ropes and he knows Vintage Story inside and out, so I'm sure he'd do a fabulous job with fishing.  


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