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Posts posted by Stroam

  1. I've noticed a lot of suggestions. Which is great! However, I'm concerned about the quality. So here's three simple guidelines to help improve the quality of your suggestions in no particular order.

    • Everyone's time is valuable.
    • Learn a bit how code works.
    • Consider the player.


    Down below I go into more into depth. Remember these are guidelines to improve the quality of your suggestions and are not hard rules to be followed.

    Everyone's time is valuable

    • Make your suggestions worth reading. Every time someone makes a suggestion not worth reading, it makes everyone less likely to read your suggestion.
    • Use the forum search to see if it's been suggested before.
    • Start out very concise and to the point. It's like a sales pitch. You want to capture the readers attention early so they will keep reading into the details.
    • Don't post wishlist's that comprise of many suggestions all in one thread if they're unrelated or they take focus away from the main idea you are trying to present.
    • Make it easy to read. This can be done through mostly proper spelling and grammar.

    Learn a bit how code works

    • There are no bad suggestions, however, try not to be the one suggesting to build a bridge over water with marshmallows.
    • Watch people code not to learn what they are doing, but why they are doing it. For instance, if you want something to happen in a game, there needs to a trigger. Can be time based, an item used, etc.
    • Anything graphical takes a lot of work and tweaking, like walking smoothly up stairs instead of ramps.
    • Try the wiki tutorial on modding. The game is suppose to be easy to change so that everyone can make tweaks like adding recipes and different looking blocks.

    Consider the players

    • Consider the 1000th time. Some things like placing a block still feels feels good the 1000th time, while other things get old quickly.
    • Complexity and realism doesn't add fun. Realism can inspire complexity, and complexity can add variability but it's easy to put in too much. 


    • Like 3
  2. Managing mods is still in its infancy. They're just not that many mods yet to justify putting in the time for proper mod development. It's improving over time. If you have a mod that adds mods, or modifies the behavior of any creatures, it may be overriding the game settings. Mods may also interfere with other mods depending on load order. Feel to reach out to the mod creators if this is what you suspect is happening.

  3. It's been awhile since I've had a well thought out suggestion to post here, but here we go. Who likes the idea of following the clues and tracking something down?

    In Vintage Story when you are out and about you'll often come across the wildlife. Those are great. The goats are scenic, the chickens and foxes are fun, and the wolves... provide a form of excitement. However the entire experience is reactionary. No planning goes into it. Elusive mobs would be a new game mechanic. One that adds purposeful tracking down of elusive creatures.

    The basic mechanics is when a player wanders a sign will get generated. Could be a track, scratches on a tree, or even some poo. If the player inspects the clue it begins a hunt. A hunt will generate another clue nearby with a time limit. If inspected within the time limit, it will generate another clue. The player will keep following the clues until an elusive creature spawns.

    If the mechanic stopped there, that alone sounds pretty fun. Like this post if you agree. It can go deeper. So I will now cover the variability that can be added to this mechanic to keep it even more fun and engaging.

    • Different creatures can have different sets of tracks to follow. So tracks from one creature might be obvious while tracks from another might be more difficult to find.
    • The spawn conditions for the initial clue can vary. Some clues only spawn in snow. Bait may be needed to get the initial clue to spawn. Depending on how elusive the creature might be it may only spawn at midnight, during fall, where a pumpkin was placed 13 days ago.
    • If hunting a very intelligent elusive creature, it may try to distract you with a false trail or the trail of another creature and you'll have decide which path of clues to follow.
    •  Each time you successfully track down a creature, the clues for that creature may be easier to find. There could be one or more pointers to the next clue or the footprint could be more distinct, etc. This means a more experienced hunter for whom the clues are more obvious, could point out the clues to a less experienced hunter, leading to a successful hunt which would make the clues easier for the less experienced hunter to find the next time around.
    • A progression system could be devised where certain initial creature clues will only spawn and can only be seen by experienced hunters.

    As you can there is plenty of room for adding more depth into the mechanic. Thank you for reading and again, please don't forget to like this post.

    • Like 4
  4. 8 hours ago, Akella Gray said:


    Hello! ) I would like to add more translation of the Wiki into Russian. I will gladly contribute to this project.

    Wiki name AkellaGray

    You mean Akellagray. Just so you are aware, case matters. Approved

    • Like 1
  5. There are few but some client only mods such as theme packs. There are some but few that are client optional. Basically if they aren't installed on the client the person doesn't have the ability to use the mod. Most must be on both. The long term plan is to have some sort of mod repo. Then when a user selects a server it'll automatically download the required mods. For now it just tells you what mods you are missing to join that server.

  6. Quote

    If I create a world smaller than the default 1 million by 1 million blocks, what does that do - other than cut off the world at those distances? Does it compress the biome generator so that biomes are smaller and closer together? Can I still "get everything" on a really small map, such as find all the stone types, get all the backstory hints, and see all the different biomes/areas?

    It cuts, not compress.


    Does Vintage Story also work in "chunks" like Minecraft does? If so, how big are the chunks, and can I display chunk borders in the game?

    32x32x32. Technically towers of blocks, not a 3D grid. Check your keybinds.


    Related: how far away can I be for crops to still grow, charcoal to still process, and other such things that happen on their own over time?

    Crops and most other things are based off the progression of the world clock. Meaning when the chunk loads, it updates the progress of everything so you don't have to be near.



    Is there any better way to fire clay products than one by one in a firepit? Those shingles I want for my roof are killing me...

    I could have swore there was a way to mass fire clay stuff but for the life of me I can't find it.



    EDIT: If I "charge up" a bow or spear for a ranged attack, does that only affect the accuracy? Or does the damage also scale with how far it was "charged"?

    The dummy is a great way to test weapons to see how much damage they do.

    • Like 1
  7. As far as I know, that's not possible. MC is written in Java and tries to hold as much in memory as possible to increase the speed of looking things up. Most of the time that extra ram isn't used. VS is written in C# and only loads as much into memory as it's actively using. You can check with Tyron though.

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