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WildEwok's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. I know that the ability to move farm animals is an oft requested one and I am *so* excited for the basket mechanic coming in 1.19. However I still have a need to separate my adult animals, either for generation or by sex, to optimize the feed trough and where the feed is going. I have an idea!! Since chickens will fit into the basket, I mostly just need to move pigs and sheep through my handling system that I've made with fences and gates. Here's Sandi Brock, a sheep farmer in Ontario- she uses gates to help move her sheep around the barn: https://youtu.be/KiKpN22T_dI?si=PGiFBk9oNpThvMRG&t=1316 Starting at the time stamp in the video, you can see the size gate she uses. So far, all our herding mechanics include passive- fear, and active- smacking them. The fear is good for moving away, but the active is just so inconvenient, and moves them towards me, and I want to be behind them. And the passive mechanic is slow and unwieldy, and even my gen 0 pigs only just amble a little bit and then wander back to me. I suggest being able to hold a cattle panel fence in our off-hand like a shield, and when we shift-click and walk with it, it cues the animals to move away from us. If we need this to stay in a certain age, like copper or beyond, the panel could be made with board fencing only, or there could be a specific recipe like two fences joined with nails and strips to form a wider one. I believe that implementation should be fairly simple, since it has a cue and the desired action is only "run away from the player," which they clearly do when they reach low enough health, and chickens do all the time. I believe this will also pair very nicely with the "act in herds" wish on the roadmap.
  2. Just for funsies I tried cooking the one pasta to see what would happen and it did cook, I'll try with the bone broth again but that one never got the arrow going
  3. You're a blessing! Many thanks, Dr B Update, this problem also seems to extend to pasta:
  4. I seem to be having problems with most liquids that can be made in a small cauldron or saucepan. All broth does not indicate that it will cook, and even when ignoring that it cooks nothing, as mentioned earlier. The same happens with fat and .2L of water, switching slots doesn't do anything. I'm on the latest verison of both ACA/EF and 1.18.15 stable. I'm sorry I haven't figured out how to make the game let me take a screenshot (windows 11 print screen pauses the game), so here are my phone pictures:
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