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Posts posted by l33tmaan

  1. @DArkHekRoMaNT So you know how you said that most of my textures would be broken? Well, I'm trying to actually make the bread look like it has berries in it now, and I am indeed breaking my textures. I thought the best way to do that would be to have a texture of each berry type and apply it as an overlay to the bread. But no matter what I do, I can't get it to actually show up. All the various breads just look like their normal variants. Am I misunderstanding what overlays are used for?

    textures: {
    		"all": {base: "game:item/food/grain/{type}bread",
    			overlays: [ "item/food/fruit/blackcurrant" ],



  2. Thanks for that. I ran the error reporter this time and I got something useful:

    23.11.2020 16:32:33 [Error] Syntax error in json file 'game:recipes/grid/doughberry.json': Failed deserializing doughberry.json: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'ingredients.F', line 14, position 2.

    Line 14 of my recipe is where I started putting in the berry info, but it looks the same as the other code? What's the problem here?

    Wow, I feel really dumb now. Anyway, is it possible for for this bread to count as a grain and a fruit?

  3. First off, let me tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to look at this and help me out. I am very much learning as I go here, most of my coding knowledge is limited to baby stuff like HTML and CSS.

    2 hours ago, DArkHekRoMaNT said:

    Why are they game:? Where do you store your assets? In assets/game/? You can of course store assets there, but this is bad practice, this is the vanilla domain. Your assets should be in assets/<yourmodid>/

    Yeah... speaking of bad practices, I usually just create the .json file directly in the /survival folder and edit them there. Then I make the mod and remove it when I'm done. So in this case it should be in assets/berrybread, since berrybread is my ModID? If my modinfo is weird, then that might be because I uh... used ModMaker.exe to make it. Bad practices all around.

    1 hour ago, DArkHekRoMaNT said:

    You has mistake, line 28 in breadberry.json:
       "*": { saturation: 300, foodcategory: "Grain" , saturation: 80, foodcategory : "Fruit"}

    You can enter the command /errorreporter 1 in your test world and enable debug: Settings -> Developer -> Enable Developer Mode, Error Reporter and (optional) Extended Debug Info.

    Oh yeah, that. I know that isn't working, I was just experimenting in having food give 2 kinds of nourishment at once. Is there any way to do that for non-meal foods? I'm mostly concerned with getting the recipe to show up at the moment, I think I can fix the visual issues on my own. Hopefully. 

    EDIT: I managed to get the bread to show up in-game. I'm not really sure how, since I just cut a line out, tested the game, then pasted the same line back where it was... But would you be able to explain why the names look weird?

  4. Unfortunately, I think the ship has sailed on that one. This game is almost always going to be sold as "here's Minecraft, but with [something you wish Minecraft did] and [feature you never knew you wanted]" unless it gets RIDICULOUSLY huge. That's fine since there's a real niche to be filled that the game does a good job of doing. 

    I think cave-ins and stuff should definitely be a part of the regular game, but... I also don't play with the setting that makes dirt subject to real gravity because it's just too different for me. Plus cave-ins aren't quite the same danger as a monster - one is typically the result of a player's own actions and inattention, while the other is a totally external force that you have to overcome. This is already my favorite MC-style game and I think it sets itself apart from vanilla Minecraft quite well. But I also haven't played vanilla Minecraft in over 6 years.

  5. Cool, I didn't expect it to. So all it really does is stop you from falling off blocks and lets you fit into 1.5 square spaces, like under a slab? 
    I ask because I remember a Minecraft mod that added crouching/crawling and I loved it, since you could fit into 1x1 holes in a totally realistic manner. VS could benefit from something like that, especially if/when stealth actually means something, since you could crawl through the bushes towards your prey to catch them unawares. Might be cool.

  6. On 11/22/2020 at 9:00 AM, DArkHekRoMaNT said:

    You will not have shapes because you are using the wrong item code. Your whole dough is dough-berry-{type}-{fruit}. Textures will also be broken, they generally use other codes.

    Uhhh... weirdly enough, the shapes and textures are the only thing that are working so far.

    On the dough at least, I still can't get the bread to show up at all. I tried that code change last night and it didn't work, but I tried it again now and... it still didn't work. I feel like I'm missing something simple here.

    On 11/22/2020 at 8:56 AM, DArkHekRoMaNT said:

    And it would be good if you give an archive with your current version of the mod. It's strange that you have dough in the game domain.
    P.S. It is also best to call doughberry rather than dough-berry.

    Oh yeah, sure, here you go. Like I said, I tried to look at the Acorns mod since it's similar to this one and that's how it had its code written.

    Berry Bread.zip

  7. I thought I was getting a hang of modding this game, but I suppose not. I'm trying to make a type of bread you can make with berries and I've managed to get them to show up in-game (although the name looks weird, like 'game:item-dough-berry-spelt-blueberry), but I just can't get the actual recipe to work. I also can't get the dough to actually bake, but maybe I'm just crazy. I would really appreciate if anyone could help me out here, because I thought I sorta knew what I was doing. I even took a look at the Acorns mod to see how they made dough, and it's not dissimilar to this. 

    	ingredientPattern: "WFB",
    	ingredients: {
    		"W": { 
    			type: "block", 
    			code: "game:woodbucket"
    		"F": { 
    			type: "item", 
    			code: "game:flour-*", 
    			allowedVariants: ["flax", "rice", "rye", "spelt"],
    			name: "type"
    		"B": { 
    			type: "item", 
    			code: "game:fruit-*", 
    			allowedVariants: ["blueberry", "cranberry", "redcurrant", "whitecurrant", "blackcurrant"],
    			name: "fruit"
    	width: 3,
    	height: 1,
    	attributes: {
    		liquidContainerProps: {
    			requiresContent: { type: "item", code: "waterportion" },
    			requiresQuantity: 1
    	name: "dough-berry",
    	shapeless: true,
    	output: { type: "item", code: "dough-berry-{type}"  }


    I dunno if it'll help, but here's my dough code:

    	code: "dough-berry",
    	maxstacksize: 32,
    	attributes: {
    		displaycaseable: true,
    		shelvable: true
    	variantgroups: [
    		{ code: "type", states: ["spelt", "rye", "flax", "rice" ] },
    		{ code: "fruit", states: ["blueberry", "cranberry", "redcurrant", "whitecurrant", "blackcurrant"] },
    	shapebytype: { 
    		"dough-berry-flax": { base: "item/food/bread/flaxbread-dough" },
    		"dough-berry-rice": { base: "item/food/bread/ricebread-dough" },
    		"dough-berry-spelt": { base: "item/food/bread/speltbread-dough" },
    		"dough-berry-rye": { base: "item/food/bread/ryebread-dough" },
    	textures: {
    		"flaxbread-dough": {base: "item/food/grain/flaxbread" },
    		"ricebread-dough": {base: "item/food/grain/ricebread" },
    		"speltbread-dough": {base: "item/food/grain/speltbread" },
    		"ryebread-dough": {base: "item/food/grain/ryebread" },
    	creativeinventory: { "general": ["*"], "items": ["*"] },
    	materialDensity: 200,
    	fpHandTransform: {
    		translation: { x: 0, y: -0.1, z: 0 },
    		rotation: { x: 180, y: 90, z: 22 }
    	combustibleProps: {
    		meltingPoint: 250,
    		meltingDuration: 15,
    		smeltedRatio: 1,
    		smeltingType: "bake",
    		smeltedStack: { type: "item", code: "bread-berry-{type}" },
    		requiresContainer: false
    	guiTransform: {
    		translation: { x: 2, y: 0, z: 0 },
    		rotation: { x: -28, y: 23, z: 180 },
    		origin: { x: 0.5, y: 0.07, z: 0.5 },
    		scale: 5
    	groundTransform: {
    		translation: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    		rotation: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 },
    		origin: { x: 0.5, y: 0, z: 0.5 },
    		scale: 4
    	fpHandTransform: {
    		translation: { x: 0, y: 0.22, z: 0.2 },
    		rotation: { x: 97, y: 1, z: -17 },
    		origin: { x: 0.5, y: 0.1, z: 0.5 },
    		scale: 2.5
    	tpHandTransform: {
    		translation: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    		rotation: { x: 25, y: 106, z: 54 },
    		origin: { x: 0.32, y: -0.25, z: -0.06 },
    		scale: 0.8
    	transitionableProps: [{
    		type: "Perish",
    		freshHours: { avg: 48 },
    		transitionHours: { avg: 24 },
    		transitionedStack: { type: "item", code: "rot" },
    		transitionRatio: 1



  8. 14 hours ago, Glitch said:

    The way these things should move is just slowly walking around. The threat is looking at them, not them attacking you directly. And if by "regular hostile mobs should have those features" you mean normal hostile mobs should sap stability when looked at, that really wouldn't work very well in practice.

    • The mob that's specifically designed to do this becomes redundant and worthless
    • Things like wolves are technically hostile mobs, even if they aren't like drifters. Them sapping stability just by looking at them would make zero sense.
    • PvE combat would immediately become one of the worst parts of the game, because hostile mobs would easily kill even skilled players without even being anywhere near them. This would mean that people would have to fight things without even looking at them 80% of the time, even with simple drifters. This wouldn't be fun at all.

    In any case I don't think temporal mobs should be super crazy at all, the whole thing is supposed to play into a "fear of the unknown" horror aspect of the game. Things flying around like crazy and whatnot wouldn't fit this at all, I would think. When it comes to lovecraftian horror, things should be more subtle and terrifying. Things like deep drifters phasing in and out of existence like we have now and things like tall creatures watching from the distance that you can't look at are more fitting for that sort of thing.

    I think there's been a misunderstanding. I mean that regular mobs should have ranged attacks, climbing, and other interesting methods of combat/maneuvering. You can keep putting in land-based melee animals, but that's unnecessarily limited. You need more to fight, and not just during a temporal storm. 

    And if the temporal mobs aren't crazy, then what is? The game is fairly grounded outside of the lovecraftian stuff, so that's the only design space you have to really play around in when it comes to enemies. And in order for "fear of the unknown" to mean anything, there has to be a payoff. Surface drifters simply aren't scary once you realize how easy they are to kite once you have a flint spear. Even during temporal storms, when things are at their wildest, you can just make a dirt pillar and watch everything go all weird for a while and be completely safe. There's nothing to be afraid of. Now imagine if during a temporal storm you had swarms of flying locusts descend upon your base. Horrible tentacle beasts writhing free from the earth beneath you. Complete and utter madness where no place is truly safe. That's what you expect when you hear a lovecraftian storm is approaching, not some blinking dudes you can easily ignore with no investment into a base whatsoever.

    EDIT: I mean come on, a voxel-based lovecraftian game is begging for some hounds of tindalos. Oh, you have a 2x2x2 doorless bunker buried deep in the earth? You thought that would save you?

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