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Everything posted by Tatazaki

  1. So here's my thoughts on Curseforge integration. The main pro is free advertising for the game- as well as advertising for the mods in the game. A secondary pro is that it gets a mod database going beyond what we have in the forums. The main con however is that the way VS is setup- you can really only have one instance going on in one place at any given time. On top of that, the twitch launcher will at times not load things properly as of late. (however, I think it's just minecraft getting that issue.) I will say that while there could very well be better options- Curseforge will make the most noise about the game and having it on the twitch launcher (and with how lovely the logo is) will make people wonder "what's this game?"
  2. I said it in discord, I'll say it here Uranium in it's raw unrefined form gives out light. It looks like this irl.
  3. Ok, that looks super neat. Will download and poke at.
  4. Update 1.1. The first of the Old hags bags have been named! B'aux Enboxes Also decent texture update.
  5. I'll take note of that suggestion for the next update when it rolls around. While we wait, have a cookie or three.
  6. Vintage Storage 1.0.1 update- Magic Bags Edition. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgbc0t1yw33i9pm/VintageStorage-1.0.1.zip?dl=0 Update fixes the equipped bag issue however, bags upgraded Do not keep their contents. I would advise transferring the contents into either a chest or another bag before upgrading the bag.
  7. Vintage Storage B'aux Enboxes [1.1] This mod works on some issues the early game Vintage Story currently has, and adds in a few bags to help out both the old players, and the new players. Recipes & Content Known issues Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqkkbn4f7slyfvw/VintageStorage1.1.zip?dl=0 Old Versions- Art for the mod (and wicker box model) made by the lovely Balduranne. Old issues, and versions they were fixed in.
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