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  1. Just wanted to post that my issues have been fixed so far with this update! Thanks for the hard work! I'll keep updating if I see anything
  2. Yes, specifically after making the Mixing Bowl, neither me nor the host were able to open up the Input/Output GUI at all. After restarting for both of us (and after a handful of crashes on my end), we were able to see it, however I was unable to use right-click to mix, while the host was. A later another game reset seemed to alleviate that as well, though not long I took a break and have not been able to load in since. The other issue I just was reminded of was during the same period, Fish I was putting into storage container (Fish from Primitive Survival 2.6.6) would just disappear. I don't know if that was linked or not. Let me know if there's other specifics that might be helpful to you. Thanks!
  3. We just went over the list of mods we had to make sure we're in sync, and the only difference was a discrepancy in file size for compatibility library. We both redownloaded it and still get the issue. The crash only happens when I attempt to join the host. If I make it into the game everything works as expected. Another detail that's hopefully helpful: I'm joining in on a single player game through LAN and not via a server. Thank you again for your quick response!
  4. System.NullReferenceException: No instance of mixing recipe registry available at ExpandedFoods.MixingRecipeRegistry.get_Loaded() at ExpandedFoods.BlockMealContainerBasePatches.recipeFix(CookingRecipe& __result, ItemStack containerStack, IWorldAccessor world, BlockCookedContainerBase __instance) at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockCookedContainerBase.GetCookingRecipe_Patch2(BlockCookedContainerBase this, IWorldAccessor world, ItemStack containerStack) at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockCrock.GetHeldItemInfo(ItemSlot inSlot, StringBuilder dsc, IWorldAccessor world, Boolean withDebugInfo) at Vintagestory.Common.CreativeTab.CreateSearchCache(IWorldAccessor world) I've been very much enjoying the 1.3 update, however when joining into a multiplayer instance, I've been getting crashes with the following stack trace about 80% of the attempts. The two times I've able to get in, the Mixing Bowl GUI has been inconsistent (the host was able to use it without issue). Have you seen issues like this before?
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