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Vinter Nacht

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Everything posted by Vinter Nacht

  1. New release is out for FGC 1.19.7 1-19-V1.4.30 - Fixed Frames not rendering in Super when opened - Fixed Ceramic Hives not getting wax ring when harvestable - Fixed langstroth not updating meshes during interactions involving adding a populated skep/two tier hive. - Added pt-br lang files.
  2. You don't, sadly. My hives are still based on the vanilla skeps, and that's just how they work. I hope to fix that in an update someday.
  3. It will eventually get an update to whatever is the current version at the time that happens. I am presently on a hiatus for personal reasons.
  4. Not something I'll be doing, I'm afraid. It's out of spec for the mods design.
  5. Working with my users is never a waste of time. However, you may also want to make sure the log is UD vs any other direction. (Inside up)
  6. Hey Musi! Do you have Discord? I'd be happy to talk with you and help you figure out what's going wrong. It may just be that you're not waiting long enough for the log to split. Early tools, like stone axes, tend to take longer to break a log. However, it sounds like you may have tried that. I'd love to help!
  7. That could certainly make for a substandard experience; I understand why you would have found it less than rewarding. The mod is specifically tailored to a certain type of game play and player. Sorry it isn't to your tastes!
  8. Thank you for this. This is a very specific error that I immediately was able to reproduce. I'll get on fixing it immediately.
  9. Yes, any time you disassemble the hive it resets. This is merely emulating the skep behavior, but it also provides an important lesson in managing your hives. Langstroth hives should be harvested infrequently to get maximum output. If you only take them apart when they're full, you'll ensure you get the maximum possible yield with no delays. Otherwise, each time you check the hive, it has to go through the whole 'check for flowers', 'wait for the timer to fill frames' process again, rather than just ticking away to the next time it fills the frame. Manage your hives wisely
  10. @EreticKB - Update to the latest version.
  11. The Grind Stone isn't from my mod and, thus likely doesn't have compatibility with the mod in question. I imagine it's necessities? By default, In Dappled Groves, tools are not repairable.
  12. The most likely answer is that it's been too cold for them to find flowers. (This is more clearly indicated in the upcoming release). However, it doesn't look like it's cold out.
  13. I didn't implement a flint saw... I believe you'll need to adjust its mining speed... I'd set it at 1.5 or so. All of the custom recipes currently rely on the mining speed of the tools to adjust their effectiveness. The speed of the saws generally needs a pretty significant nerf.
  14. Ohhhhh! I forgot that was even a thing, to be honest. Can you create an issue for that on github? I'll try to remember to do it myself later, if not. But this would be a valuable addition.
  15. Sadly, I cannot take credit for that. That's a Taska creation
  16. What's going on with that smithing? If that's an adze head, it shouldn't take two ingots Also - That is almost absolutely true, I need to decide if that needs to be a factor or not. Edit: I did a very brief bit of research. Soaking in salt water shouldn't be an issue, as it isn't in iRL. Will take steps to resolve this.
  17. It uses exactly the same orientation options as vanilla slabs, but the texturing is more complex than slabs, making the limitations easier to notice. I may look into improving this in the future.
  18. Simultaneously, I have vastly increased the configurability of the mod. You should be able to have as many super-powered hives as you like. It also automatically adapts for the number of hours in a day (Not those set by CalendarSpeedMul, but the configuration that lets you change the number of in-game hours in an in-game day.) and the number of days in a month. Note that the default configuration assumes a 30 day month (But simultaneously assumes most people are playing on 9, and is set accordingly)
  19. Have you tried having a backpack slot open? The ceramic hive, Langstroth Base, Langstroth Super, Langstroth Broodbox, and Frame Rack can *only* be carried in backpack slots, like the vanilla skep.
  20. New Public Release - v0.4.9-rc.1 1.18-v0.4.9-rc.1 - Made drops from tree hollows configurable (See ModConfig) - Removed stripped log block type, added compat with vanilla debarked logs - Updated recipes and patches to accommodate the latest recipes
  21. 1.18-v1.4.16-rc.1 Update! New Config Options, Bugs Squashed, Langstroth Buffed, Many Things Configurable! Changed check for "knife" to EnumTool.Knife for better compatibility with other mods Added the following config options and default values: General Settings: "showcombpoptime": True This value determines if the hive will show when it will next produce honeycomb. On Langstroth hives, it will also display the number of currently filled frames. Skep Settings "SkepDaysToHarvestIn30DayMonths": 7.0, This is the number of days it will take for a skep to become harvestable in a month with 30 days. This is internally adjusted based on the currently configured days per month. (Defaults to 9 in Vanilla). "SkepMinYield": 1 "SkepMaxYield": 3 These numbers show how many honeycombs a Skep will produce per cycle. It will be a number ranging between 1 & 3 in the default settings. CeramicPot Settings "CeramicPotDaysToHarvestIn30DayMonths": 7.0 As per Skeps, but for Ceramic Pots. "ClayPotMinYield": 2 "ClayPotMaxYield": 4 As per skeps, but indicates honeycomb yield per harvest of the honeypot. Langstroth Hive Settings "LangstrothDaysToHarvestIn30DayMonths": 3.5 As Skeps and Ceramics, but indicates how many days it will take for the Langstroth to attempt to fill lined frames. "MaxStackSize": 6 This value determines how high you can stack your Langstroth Hive. You can set it as high as you like. A stack size of 6 allows for a base, four supers, and a brood box and is roughly equivalent to 2 blocks high (and a bit). "baseframedurability": 32 The durability of the frame. Works in the same manner as tools and other durability-enabled items in the base game. Currently, this is set to 32, meaning the frame must be relined every 32 harvests. "minFramePerCycle": 2, "maxFramePerCycle": 4 This indicates the mix and max possible number of frames the Langstroth will fill per cycle (A cycle being 3.5 days by default). Averages 3, as is to be expected. "FrameMinYield": 2, "FrameMaxYield": 5 Indicates the number of honeycombs a frame will yield when harvested. As in all the above cases, it ranges between 2-5, leaning towards 3 per frame per harvest.
  22. One of the things that's struck me since I started working on In Dappled Groves, and my skill level continues to increase, is how much of this is a voyage of discovery. I rewrote the tools and recipes in In Dappled Groves no less than five times, learning a little more about the process and refining it further with every iteration. ALCMY is undergoing a similar process. As I continue to develop the mod, I continue to discover new ways of doing things that make it cleaner, easier to read, and more expandable. The end result will only benefit from this process, but it does mean more time spent in development. Currently, I'm having to rethink how the recipes are handled, again. I suspect it's going to be fairly minor, but the default recipe manager wasn't designed to handle the kind of processing I'm integrating. Let alone do it in a dynamic format where multiple recipes could be being handled by the same "device." The oven is, perhaps, a counterargument to this. It's coming along though. The workstations are, by far, the most complex aspect of this entire process. When this is completed, however, it should serve as an invaluable toolbox for modders. Catch this and other updates on my Patreon
  23. I'd love to see someone mod this in... It's on my own personal modding ambition list, but that's likely to extend past my expiration date.
  24. Not quite introducing: ALCMy 1, the first Aetherial Labs Core Mod I've mentioned on a few occasions that the work on my mods is waiting for a new tool I've been working on. This would be the tool to which I refer. It represents the first of a potential number of libraries I'll be building to bring these tools to new and experienced modders. So enough preamble: What Is ALCMy1: With Calloused Hands? “With Calloused Hands” is a library that introduces tools for modders to make introducing new crafting paths and tools quicker and easier without requiring any C# to achieve it. Further, it introduces new crafting methods that can deepen your immersion in the incredible world of Vintage Story. It’s essential to be clear that this mod will add little to nothing on its own; it is the responsibility of modders to use the resources provided in this library to enhance their mods. The (Current) Cornerstones of With Calloused Hands include: ALCMyTool and IALCMyTool: ALCMyTool is the base for all tools used with “With Calloused Hands” and is merely an extension of the Item Class that provides a few things to make it easier on modders to add new toolModes and toolType without needing to touch C#. ToolModes are fundamental to most recipe systems used in With Calloused Hands. They also contain the logic necessary to make in-world crafting possible. (See below) Workstation Block Class & Block Entity: These two blocks make creating a functionally infinite number of workstations possible. Using them, you can create workstations that allow crafting in-world without using a GUI. Yes, this means no crafting grid. (The link is to a brief clip of my proof of concept) In-World Crafting: In-world crafting allows interaction to in-world blocks using an ALCMyTool. This is the process used in In Dappled Groves to allow chopping wood blocks, for instance. These recipes can check for the block or blocks directly adjacent to the target block and select any of them for the output. For instance, you could place a stone on a soil block, use a shovel on it, and upon completing the recipe, the soil beneath could turn into a path. The scope of its functionality provides endless potential. In-Hand Crafting: By placing an ALCMyTool in the off-hand and a resource in the main hand, you can hold Ctrl+Z and the right mouse button, and it will attempt to find a matching recipe for the two components. This is intended for use in processes such as using a drop spindle to spin flax fiber into twine. Ground Storage Crafting: Ground storage crafting (still in early development) will check the contents of a ground storage “block” for ingredients. If it finds a matching recipe, it will complete it, replacing the ground storage block with the expected output. This concept is still being thought through, so its full range of potential is still being discovered. New Recipe Types: To accommodate the above, there are new recipe types that *can* accept quite a range of information. Some functions of the recipe types include: SmartCraftingTime (In Development): When writing a recipe, you can manually set the number of seconds it takes to complete. However, suppose you don’t set a value. In that case, SmartCraftingTime will take over, combining the number of ingredients and the resistance of any included blocks to calculate a crafting time for your recipe in seconds. SatiationConsumption: Set to 0 by default, you can cause your recipe to consume hunger upon completion. A config option will exist to ignore this option so that modders can set the value, and mod pack makers can configure it to ignore it or not, as is appropriate for their design. WorkingAnimations: If you set a working animation on a recipe, the crafting player will perform this animation until they stop crafting or the recipe is complete. WorkingSound: You can set a sound that plays while the player is crafting. ProcessType: Workstations will support both tool-based recipe crafting and transient crafting. (Such as an oiled hide drying on a drying rack.) And Much More! So When Can We Expect It To Be Available?Much of the core functionality has been tested and proven entirely feasible. Further, the framework for workstations is technically complete. It’s not ready for testing, not even for patrons, yet. But I’m working steadily on it, and releases should begin to be made available to my patrons in the relatively near future. This library is being developed to make the experience I want to deliver with my mods much faster, easier, and less repetitive to implement. Further, I’m writing it to put more power into the hands of JSON modders and C# modders alike. This was a relatively quick and dirty overview of the mod in process, expect it to be edited and updated as development continues. WorkstationPOC.mp4
  25. So this is where I come in and apologize. I never get notifications for my mod posts for some reason. I'll have to look into that further. The UI is intended to keep storage from occurring in chests/etc, and to ensure that managing the hives is an active behavior, rather than a click and forget behavior. I understand it's not for everyone. You don't need 40 linen for a single hive. You only need one frame to have your hive up and operational (So... half a linen?) and two to be able to get the max benefit from it if you harvest every week. This is truly odd, given that it uses *exactly the same code as the skep* for this process.And when I say exactly, I mean copy-pasta exactly. (I was an early modder, didn't really even understand how it worked, but the core of the hive's operation uses the same system. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's weird. The base harvest time of the mod is 148 in-game hours. However, the modconfig give you the option to change that, and how many frames fill every time it harvests. You could have an entire super fill every day (or less) if you so desire. Just go in and change that config value. You can change the values for skeps, ceramic, and langstroth, including how many frames it fills for harvest. Set it to your desired output. It actually *isn't* a more realistic production rate. Real hives produce honey at a *breakneck* pace during the harvest season, netting gallons of honey and many pounds of wax. However, the needs of Vintage Story would mean that one fully stocked Langstroth Hive is all you'd ever need, and you'd never want for anything ever again if it produced at that rate. However, once again, you can change those settings in vintagestorydata/modconfig/fromgoldencombs.json. It's actually intended to mix well with vanilla, for the most part. I deliberately did not allow the ceramic hive or langstroth hive to propagate to ensure the vanilla mechanics remained relevant. If I had my way at the time, you wouldn't be able to carry more than component at a time, period. This won't be a feature I'll be including, I'm afraid. It's supposed to be an extremely tactile experience. Traditional hotbars just make it... ugh. I am utterly against anything involving a GUI, but I don't know if that's what you're talking about. Vanilla is far, far too easy. However, From Golden Combs is not one of the mods I designed to make it harder. I was just barely developing mods when it was made, and it's due for a complete rewrite. However, that may result in it being less to your taste, not more. Time will tell. Also -> Yes, the frames should experience wear every time you harvest one. I don't know if it averages, to be honest. I never tested it, and again, BABY coder when I started it. Documentation is my bane, I will be improving it on the rewrite. (Coming to you... Eventually. It's a priority, but it's not the imminent priority.) See thy way to the config file! Up the frame fill rate, and drop the time between refills to your hearts content! I really appreciate all the support for FGC, and it will definitely getting an update in the coming months. I'll try to address some of the bigger issues, with the handbook being one of the most important changes I could make for accessibility. I also need to make it very clear that there's a config option available for those looking to tweak the output times of the hives to their satisfaction. Ah, I also need to make the spawn rate change based on the number of days in a month, and the number of hours in a day.
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