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Baziwan's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Here is what I'm seeing from the flax mash
  2. Well that solved that problem. Is there anything I have to do with the wet flax mash to get it to juice? I can compress the fruitpress and get juice out of berries no problem. But nothing happens for the flax.
  3. I did use the press, I also discovered in my game that I couldn't make lard either tried mimicking the pucture for the lard as it is pretty simple but no output of lard listed. I am going to switch over to a creative game and see if it is an issue with my existing save game.
  4. I'm running into an issue with making Flax Oil. I threw something like 48 flax grain into the fruitpress, but nothing is coming out. Tried a bucket, clay bottle, glass bottles but no luck. Waited several hours and nothing coming out of the press. Is there some trick with the mash that I'm missing?
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