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  1. In Time Valley (or as called in German "Tal der Zeit") the modset is well playtested, finely balanced and constantly worked on (mainly by me, but planned is to make it more of a democratic community thing). Hosting is taken care of, no costs for anyone. Rules for ingame behavior are rather simple: Don't be a jerk. We even plan on franchizing the server setup and custom mod set, for the ones who don't speak german but like our concept. One of our admins is already working on an own hosting service, cheap in pricing, within the EU and Vintage Story optimized with a small set of customly programmed code. This project has just won it's first customer a couple of weeks ago. It's another german server with it's focus a bit more on city building. For anyone interested in any of this, feel free to contact me.
  2. @Milleka I've got an EU server, it's right here in Frankfurt, Germany. We've already set up half of our first village and have progressed to endgame technology. Soon we will make the server public, but for now it's just a few people playing there to set everything up (consistently in survival mode, though). Unfortunately, we're aiming for a German speaking player base. But since most of us at least understand a few words in english, I don't see a big problem in that, if you're ready to learn a few words in German Our approach is to provide multiple servers in different languages for people who like to play together with their friends in their mother tongue. But those are long term goals, so we need a functioning economy on a german server first, to proof the concept. People who like to do jobs in villages are exactly what we're looking for. And since it's all about international inclusivity, no one will mind having a british cook, I guess. Anyway, if you're interested: We've got a job offer, that is perfect for you!
  3. Trading gets more important on multiplayer servers. I don't know of any mod, that provides an immersive way of face-to-face trading, so I will just suggest one. Since my modding skills won't match the needs of this one, please tell me if you know how to do stuff like this or if it sounds feasible to you and you're on it. Trading face to face at the time requires trust, since there is no save way of doing it, even on PvE servers. The other guy could snitch you a few bucks any moment, when gears are just thrown on the ground. Let me introduce the trading certificate: A simple sheat of pergament, enscribed with a command and signed by someone trustworthy. The enscribed command should then execute on right klicking another player with the pergament. A trading window opens up on both player's screens. It is quite important that the "trustworthy" is none of those, so that a fair trade requires at least three users to work. This gets important later. In that window, there are to find a speciffic amount of inventory slots on each side of a vertical line, one button left, one signal right, one big ACCEPT button underneath. The trading players put their stuff on the left, the stuff of the other guy is shown on the right. When finished, they press the left button, when the other finishes, the right signal lights green. Once you have confirmed, the trade can only be canceled by walking too far away or by closing the trading window. Everyone gets their stuff back in that case. If both hit accept, the trade is finished and the certficate turns into a bill, containing the information of who traded what in trade of what, at which coordinates, at what time and in who's name (the "trustworthy"). The bill can be copied and handed to the other guy. It can also be inserted into a bill-book together with all the other bills, as long as signed by the same "trustworthy". I imagine the slot count of the trade to be adjustible while creating the certificate. There should be a server permission for creating these, as well as the possibility of granting or retreating a permission via a certificate, in case someone wants to raise taxes. So the "trustworthy", in that case a taxcollector, could eventually trade fresh certificates for bills and their taxiation. Then the taxcollector could in turn use certificates signed by the local leader, to hold track of the trades with the certificates and the collected taxes. The command could look something like this: /certificate trade 6 1 tax 10 Gives you a certificate, where the trader can offer up to 6 different items to recieve up to 1 item in return. It is a taxed trade, so the bill will calculate a value of 10% the worth of gears involved in this trade, assuming average gears worth of the buyer's 1 slot. /certificate certify trade 12 12 tax 20 Gives you a certificate, where the holder can give permission to the reciever, for signing trade certificates with up to 12 seller slots, up to 12 buyer slots and up to 20% taxes. /certificate billbook sign Gives you a certificate, where the holder can give permission to the reciever, for signing a bill book. /certificate retreat all Gives you a certificate for removing someone's certificate permissions, by rightklicking that player with it. /certificate certify certify all Gives you a certificate for... you get the idea, I guess. I hope someone really loves the idea, because it would take me a while to figure out everything on my own. This is just a quick idea, I haven't put much thought in that right now, but this sounded good in my head so it wanted out. So please give feedback. I first want to know, is everything required even possible with the current API? And what do you think? Will this feature be prefered over good old trust trading?
  4. Bissle RP und Neulinge willkommen klingt genau nach dem Server, den ich gestern mitbegründet habe. Ja, Zivilisation ist da noch nicht hoch gebaut, aber schon einiges in mache. Ich setze mich momentan dafür ein, die Community im deutschen Sprachraum zu stärken und ein Handbuch zusammen zu fassen, wie andere Admins das in ihren Heimatsprachen machen können. Soll also nix nationalistisches werden, sondern ein kleines, internationales Projekt mit lokalen Cummunities (klingt jetzt viel größer als ich das eigentlich vor habe auf zu ziehen^^). Allerdings ist unser Modset nicht klein sondern eher mittelschwer, mit fokuss auf erhöhten Schwierigkeitsgrad, um eine gute Gruppendynamik in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Keine Sorge, da ist nix abgefahrenes drin, nur ein bisschen mehr Biodiversität und moderate low-tech mods für's late game. Alles Vanilla freundlich. Das Adminteam besteht aktuell aus 4 Personen mit unterschiedlichsten Fertigkeiten in der Administration, jedoch haben 3 von 4 Admins kaum bis gar keine Erfahrung im Spiel (das andere Block Spiel mal ausgenommen). Zudem spielt meine Verlobte auch mit, noch als User, bald wahrscheinlich als Moderator. Sie hat ca. 1 1/2 Jahre Ingame Erfahrung und kümmert sich hauptsächlich um Nahrung. Ingame sind wir jetzt gerade bei der ersten Kupferspitzhacke. Ein kleines Nachtlager ist relativ sicher am Waldrand, allerdings ist der Wald sehr gefährlich. Oberflächentranslokator und Händler sind in direkter Sichtweite von 0/x/0. Das erste Dorf soll direkt am Spawn entstehen und ist in der Planungsphase. Also, falls du noch nix gefunden hast, melde dich. Dann lad ich dich gerne vor Launch schon ein.
  5. Hey, I'm just about to launch my brand new server, doing exactly this in a german project. If you want, I'm still on recruitement for moderators and may be even admins. Da fällt mir ein, wenn du doch Deutsch verstehst... Äh, ja. Ich schreib dich mal privat an, da der Discord und die Server IP noch nicht öffentlich sind. Hab dir auch schon ne Anfrage auf Discord geschickt.
  6. I guessed that too, because the error occurred first after an update for in dappled groves. What's strange to me is, that the error is still there after rolling back to the previous version. But since the log said "primitive survival", I thought I'd ask you first. Anyway, most probably the problem is more on the other end. Just wanted to know a quick fix and if somebody is on it. Thanks for the quick response. A few questions are still on my mind. What exactly needs to be updated in tree hollows? And is it possible that the problem is the tree hollows of the non-vanilla trees I get from wildcraft trees (if they are even generated, I don't know)? In that case, would it help to prevent them from spawning?
  7. Hello guys. I recently updated my gameversion to 1.18.7 and my mod list is long. After a while I got this strange error on my local server log. Can anyone tell me what this is about? If no one has a clue, I will turn in a detailed report by about tomorrow or so.
  8. There where walls of yellow text in the server log during startup, saying that something is wrong with it. Maybe I just have to try again since the last update. I did not look that deep into the error.
  9. That's just what I suggested some days ago. The blocks of the tree should simply turn into falling block entitys, before they fall into items.
  10. Oh, didn't know that. This mod unfortunately gave my game incredible lag spikes, so I had to play without it
  11. The maple juice could be cooked first to get the syrup. So it is not to passive resource farming. The syrup could be used as replacement for honey in some recipes. Same thing should be done with pine juice, which you can cook into resin. To keep it balanced, the tree tap should be from iron, have a complicated smiting recipe and should give of a maximum of half a bucket of juice, before it has to be placed somewhere else. And it would need a hammer to plug it into the tree. Sounds good?
  12. Ehm. That's a bit of topic. I'm talking about a big revolution in the crafting system in general, not about making some crafting recipes obsolate. Sure, both can be done. But that's a story for anorther day.
  13. So you describe a modpack. Anyway, what do you think about viewing the placed items on the ground as items in a shelf? The crafting process could be viewed like the picking up your bowl from the shelf. Or does every kind of recipe need a different kind of animation to be fully immersive? That would be hard to do, espacialy for modders.
  14. The idea of in world crafting is litterally on the roadmap, so I guess something like this will be just the normal way to do things. If someone wishes back the good old days of inventory crafting, they could write a mod for this. It doesn't seem so hard to code something like this. Maybe I do a mod on this once I've learned C# Is it that mod? https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/816 It is not that far back then. Version 1.14.10, that was in july. Seems like a good start. An axe could be the basic tool to decompose stuff. But you should be abe to do it anywhere, by an "F-key menue" like whith the chisel or the prospecting pickaxe. Though you shouldn't do it on rocks, because the axe durability goes down faster. At least it would make sense. To craft planks you just place a log on the ground and use a saw on it, which gives you two log slabs again like with the axe in the mod, this could be used to saw them into planks. If you want to craft plank blocks, you place some planks on the ground and use the hammer to craft a plank block. All with either ctrl-rightclick or the f-menue on the tools. This could be a good way of reaching a big goal on the roadmap with a simple and easy to learn method.
  15. How about this: For simple crafting recipes of four (plus tools) components, you just have to place the four different items all on the same block, like in shelves but on the floor or workbench. Then you simply ctrl+rmb one of the items to craft the thing you want. Either with bare hands, or with the required tool, depending on the recipe. This requires to be able to place a small stack of any item literally in every corner of the world I would even suggest that you can choose the exact hit box of out of a relatively small voxel grid of may be 4x4x4. Then you could place items in the middle, on the sides and in the corners of each block. Some items would be bigger than others, or in other shapes. Each item involved in crafting would require a 3D model and a hit box size, which lines up with the grid of the "block class": "block-placed-item" or so. You could even stack Items on top of each other, like in piles. Might save some storage space in your baskets. I would love to see placed gems on custom chiseled shelves Crafting how ever will only work on solid ground (cobblestone or so) or on a workbench, which is craftable by ctrl+rmb on a table with a saw in main- and a hammer in the off-hand (or a hammer in main and a plank in off). The workbench would be required for more advanced recipes of may be more ingredients and may be crafting steps in between. Bigger recipes could use more space in all three dimensions. Multi item piles are no problem for shelfs, so why is it for piles of things? And why don't use it for crafting? Just make a pile of mixed items, one bottom, one click with the right tool, one pop in your pocket. Simple as that!
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