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Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. 1. To me, I'd assume "core" contains base tools as well as the bare minimum needed to give that "EF feel" - which to me would be things that are "one step away" from vanilla. Things like seed oils, expanded oven recipes, fruit drying, meat preservation, salt making. Basically ways to make your vanilla food production go just a little bit further. Then an "expanded" or "advanced" for the whole array of advanced meals: dumplings, pasta, soups, stews, au gratin... especially anything that might require a more sophisticated basegame setup involving dairy, cheese or eggs (since you at the very least need a saw for all of that). I do appreciate that splitting it up this way makes mod compatibility significantly harder. I say all of that, but a split between "core" (containing the tools) and maybe "vanilla recipes"/"Primitive Survival"/"Wild Farming" etc. for recipes and so on also makes perfect sense to me. 2. It'd be a help for me personally. 3. Salt production, seed oil, hardtack, expanded soybean uses (still hoping for tofu! I make it at home and it's shockingly similar to fresh cheese making!), fruit and meat preservation.
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