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Everything posted by redram

  1. We just got clothing like, 2 updates ago. I'm guessing we'll get armor fairly soon. Even if it's just leather to start. Wolves are fairly easy to deal with by pillaring, honestly. Also some of you new players may not know, you can throw plain old rocks as weapon. You just hold control and hold right click, iirc.
  2. @Tyron Nice Update! That anvil mold can be a little tricky with the overhanging portions - I like it. I noticed that when I place flowers in the planter and flower pot, it does not remove them from my inventory, but does place them in the planter/pot. So effectively I can infinitely copy flowers in them.
  3. Wow awesome update! Things are really looking survival-y! And OMG the pumpkins!!!!!
  4. redram

    Alloying (1.3.3)

    Oh, and just to be clear, since I see I typoed before, I meant ingot *molds*, not the ingots themselves. Which would be silly. It would be an avenue to keeping clay necessary.
  5. redram

    Alloying (1.3.3)

    Very nice update! Love the steam effect when pouring the metal. Is there or will there be a chance for ingots to break? Or are they permanent once made? Cane one make a 'bad batch' of metal? Or will it only output when you have a valid mixture?
  6. Ok, community story area, that makes sense. As for my thoughts while reading the passage, it's just the technical side of me, which notices details like tense switches sometimes. And I wasn't sure of the reason for that particular spot. The switch to present tense overall is fine. It puts in my mind, the sense that the storyteller is leaning in toward his audience, perhaps whispering, or perhaps a more hurried pace. And then in the fine paragraph where it goes back to past tense, he's now backed away again, and is speaking broadly and louder, again to his audience and beyond.
  7. So it's an allegory of the game I take it? The dream and awaking is the player starting the game? It's a little light on details, but if it's serving to illustrate a general story arc, I supposed it needs to be to some degree? Stories of our own could be a more personalized version, with details specific to our own gameplay experience? Or are you looking for stories that explain some aspects in more detail, or just kind of seeing what people come up with? I have some technical comments I'll spoiler below.
  8. redram

    Farming (v1.2.6)

    Just thought I'd upload a couple screenshots of landscape I thought was really cool. The one is a giant mountain with streams coming down, and a huge ominous cave opening at the bottom! Unfortunately the cave went nowhere, but it really looks neat from outside. A dragon could live there! And then also some pretty cool 'badland' formations, again with waterfall. I'm a sucker for waterfalls I guess.
  9. redram

    Smelting (v1.2.4)

    Are you guys pretty set on your anvil implementation (presumably more or less like vintagecraft)? I had some suggestions for a different way of doing it, but it'd be a bit of an involved suggestion post, so I don't want to go to that trouble if your plan is pretty much set in stone.
  10. redram

    Smelting (v1.2.4)

    Meaning they're made with crafting grid rather than anvil? If so, is that just temporary till anvils are implemented?
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