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Using Mods, my newbie questions...


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Hi All, just bought VS a couple of days ago and have a newbie question. I understand how mods work after 10y of MC modding.

After downloading the "peaceful" mod (my little boy doesnt like fighting) I had put it in and started a new game for him.
The question is, I have made a world for myself normal survival prior to this. Will the peaceful mod be active in my world?

Not sure how VS mods work, will it only use the mods that were present when the world was made, or all mods that are in the list
meaning we have to change them on/off every time we load a game?

Thanks for any help,

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10 hours ago, Mike Mead said:

Is this in the wrong place?

General may have been better, but for simple questions like this, Discord is an even better option.   Much more frequented.

Regarding your original question, I *think* that whatever mods are in the mod folder, and checked in the mod manager, will be used?  I'm not sure on that though.  But for the peaceful mod it would be relatively easy to test.   It's a mod that doesn't add any blocks, so I really don't think you have anything to lose by just trying it.

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You probably already have your answer but for future reference any world will use all mods currently enabled upon startup. The mods need not be present upon world creation unless they change worldgen or mob spawning like the Neolithic mod. 

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