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Metric/Celsius to Imperial/Fahrenheit setting?


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Not much to say here, I'm an American, and having a setting to convert the units of measurement from Metric and Celcius to Imperial and Fahrenheit would be a really nice QoL setting. (I understand metric, imperial is just a lot more convenient for me)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Idk I prefer metric, even as an American. Everything just rounds up far more smoothly. But much like what this guy said...

On 7/1/2023 at 5:35 AM, Streetwind said:

At least the temperature could have such a setting, IMHO. The Fahrenheit scale is like the one part of the imperial system that makes actual sense to me ;)

A setting would make sense.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/1/2023 at 4:35 AM, Streetwind said:

At least the temperature could have such a setting, IMHO. The Fahrenheit scale is like the one part of the imperial system that makes actual sense to me ;)

I do agree on the Fahrenheit part. General range of the Earth is -100 to 100F, you freeze at 0F. F just gives me more accuracy in general when telling the weather and how it feels. 55 and 60 feel a lot different than each other, and even more so than 70. I get a bit confused by c despite knowing it, because the scale is so much smaller. 15c and 30c is the difference between winter and summer for some people, lol.  At least during winter, -40F is -40C, so there's less conversions for me living way up north, haha. For everything else, yeah metric makes sense. I use it for everything except pounds, because I am just too used to pounds. I understand kg fine, I just use pounds is all, cause I grew up with it. 300lbs mean BIG BOY to me, but 150kg feels small because I'm used to 150lbs being small. But all these temp systems are just based on different things and aren't inherently better outside of specific scenarios. F is for telling what the weather feels like for a person imo. C is based around water, and while yes I've got water in me, my ranges are much different, lol. Great for chemistry when a lot of water is involved, though. At 0c water freezes. At 0f you freeze. At 0k everything freezes. As a person, I go with the one centered around people stuff. I use k when doing very scientific heavy study that involves a wide range of things. For every day life, I'd like to know if it's 60 or 70 out, lol.

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