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Game performance


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Hi! I started play Vintage Story again, and have some question about game performance, my specs: Ryzen 5 3600, AMD Radeon 580(8 Gb, last drivers) 16 gb ram, same or close to optimum setup in system requirements, and i have stable 60 fps only in high preset, very high give me bad 30 fps with statters(Or if i change a little visible distance). Its normal performance for this specs or i doing something wrong? Looks like game use one core for all logic in game.
(sry for errors int text, im not good in eng)

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Your graphics card is limiting performance on "very high" settings. Particularly view distance, SSAO, and shadows eat a ton of performance.

I'd recommend you tune your graphics settings manually for the best experience instead of using presets. That said, the "high" preset is already pretty close to optimal.


Edited by Streetwind
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