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would it be possible to make a working sundial?

Modern Anubis

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I would assume so, provided that one's computer is strong enough to run the game with shadows enabled. Otherwise, it's a futile endeavor.

As for whether or not anyone's actually tried to build one, or built one successfully, that I do not know. Building one is probably a bit more difficult than just making sure shadows are enabled and you build in an open area where shadows from other things don't interfere. Vintage Story changes the position of the sun depending on your latitude and the time of year, which are both factors you'll need to consider if you're going to attempt to build a functional sundial.

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If beams cast shadows and work as I think they do (never used them, TBH), you probably could do it. The angle of the gnomen depends on your lattitude. Just piling up voxels is too crude. You need some way you can set the endpoint to due north (in northern hemisphere) at the same angle as your latitude, then put the gnomen between those points. 

Edited by Thorfinn
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