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A better way to include Pre-releases


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Not sure how logistical this would be but here is an interesting idea for future pre-releases

Why not make it a mod to be installed? As in allowing players to more or less install/uninstall it way easier than through an entire installer, and Tyron could do this to "proctor" things he wants tested (in case people dont wanna run into spoilers for the next part in the story).

Obviously I'm not as good at coding nor do I know the logistics of VS's engine (I use Godot primarily) how ever this does seem like a solution to make the testing of features a bit more wide spread, and stream line it.

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To extend a bit, in a way, that's what the sub-releases are. They generally don't add new mechanics, but add or tweak existing content. That's why you can download an update package for sub-releases. As you read through all the tweaks, though, it's obvious you wouldn't want to add the load time to every game you play, but rather have the base game be updated. Also makes it much easier for modders. Otherwise, they would have to go through both the base-game code and the pre-release mod code. It would also mess with the dependency structure. 

Edited by Thorfinn
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