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Basket lying on the ground, can't pick it up


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I crafted a hunter's basket and moved the basket, which the backpack replaces, in a chest

However, after pressing escape to close all menus, the basket is lying in front of the chest

I've tried everything, right click, left click, ensure there's a free spot in the bottom inventory, ... but the basket keeps lying there like a ghost, with not even a tooltip when mousing over it

Is this a glitch, or am I missing something? Will this eventually despawn, or stay there?


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In that state it will despawn. Ctrl-4 will select your last basket and you can place it, like you would a skep, with everything that is currently in it. Or remove one of your empty baskets to the crafting grid, place a knife in the grid, get back some reeds, and it will automatically pick that basket up.

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