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Posted (edited)

Welcome to the forums, @Grimm_Spector

Doubt that's it. Usually when you outrun mapgen, you  can run right up to the ungenerated chunk. It becomes not a gradual circle, but stark horizontal lines marking the chunk boundaries.

What version? Are you modded? Other than color map, what else did you select non-defaults?


Reason I'm asking is it looks like the flowers or similar generated, but the landforms did not.

Edited by Thorfinn

Zero mods, this is my first time ever playing, uhh 1.19 is the version it installed when I downloaded it? I left world gen alone, and only turned on the coloured map settings after from some youtube advice when I was having trouble finding clay. Thanks for the warm welcome!


So ... I take it my world is broken some how? Is there any way to fix it?


Huh. 1.19.8, presumably. That should  be very stable. I'm not familiar with what I'm seeing in the upper left corner. The coordinates. Must be where you are looking? Because it may well be about that based on the coordinates on the left showing where you are standing. I usually don't play with map, but don't think I've seen it on other's screenshots.

Hard to tell with the map in the way. It looks like the world just ceases to exist on the right? How about the flowers or whatever those red dots are? Do they just hover is space, or don't they exist?

I think first I'd try exiting, rebooting, and reloading. You don't have a full disk, or a disk that's failing, do you? How is the RAM? Running low?

Before writing everything off and starting a new world, I think I'd give a shot at using Repair. Go to Single Player, click on the pencil icon to the right of the world, and down near the bottom (I think) should be something like "Make Backup" and "Run in Repair Mode." Do both in that order.

If all else fails, you can uninstall (though I would not delete the save files, yet) and do a full reinstall, and see if it will open then.


Posted (edited)

Oh, another possibility. You have map distance at something over 512, right? Some video cards have trouble with that. Try turning that down for a bit and see what happens.

Try that first. It's the easiest. 

Edited by Thorfinn
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Grimm_Spector said:

Zero mods, this is my first time ever playing, uhh 1.19 is the version it installed when I downloaded it? I left world gen alone, and only turned on the coloured map settings after from some youtube advice when I was having trouble finding clay. Thanks for the warm welcome!


So ... I take it my world is broken some how? Is there any way to fix it?

That's a really odd issue. To start, MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR WORLD, then load the game up and enter creative mode with 

/gm c

There are two ways you can try to fix this:

Manually regenerating the missing areas

Really, make sure you make a backup, because it is very easy to destroy everything you've built if you accidentally regenerate chunks that you've built stuff on.

Fly over the missing/broken chunks, and type the following command:

/wgen regen radius

where "radius" is some integer. That will regenerate all the chunk columns around you within the radius you specified. So for example "/wgen regen 3" will regenerate 3 chunk columns in every direction. Keep that number low if you're near stuff you built or areas you don't want to be completely reset, and give it a few test runs at lower radius values to get an idea for how far it'll reach.

Repeat this process over all the missing areas. Once you've regenerated all the missing stuff, just go back to where you were and enter survival mode again with 

/gm s

Regenerating everything with db prune
Seriously, make sure you have a backup for this one.  Db prune will affect your entire world, and if something goes wrong there is no way to fix it other than loading a backup.

The second, faster way to deal with it is to regenerate ALL the chunks you haven't built or broken blocks in with the db prune command. That will take much less time, but it'll delete  every single chunk in the world that you haven't modified and regenerate them as you get close, just as though those chunks have never been explored. They should regenerate exactly the same as they were, but make sure you have a backup just in case you need to roll back.
To do that, run the following commands in order:

/wgen autogen 0

That stops the worldgen thread so that the prune command isn't fighting worldgen the whole time.

/db prune 0 keep confirm

This command will go through every generated chunk and check how many blocks a player has placed or broken. If that value is less than or equal to the number in the command, the chunk column will be deleted so it can be regenerated when a player gets close. Setting the number to 0 means that every chunk column that you have ever broken or placed a block in will be saved. "keep" just means that the game will keep all player land claims. This does nothing in singleplayer. "confirm" just tells the command to execute for real instead of just doing a dry run.
After this has finished running, you can resume the worldgen thread with 

/wgen autogen 1

Then exit and reload the world and with any luck, all the missing chunks should fill in. After that just pop back into survival mode and you should be good to go!
If something goes wrong, you can always load up the backup and either try again or just regenerate the missing area manually with the first method.

Edited by iuno
4 minutes ago, iuno said:


Also, make sure you have enough room on your hard drive, like Thorfinn said. The world generation can rarely freak out if there isn't room to store the generated chunks. And VS worlds can be very big. Make sure you have at least ~5 gigabytes of space free on the drive your world is saved on.

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