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Improved Clayforming and Bugfixes (v1.4.5.2)


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Artisan Vintarians
Version, a stable release, is now ready for download in the account manager.

Thanks to the testers @Saraty and @redram I think it is safe to declare as stable. Beyond bug fixes we've been preparing the engine for a more consistent clay forming experience and some groundwork for the upcoming underground structures has been also added.

Game updates

  • Feature: Improved clayforming
    • Now plays a satisfying sound when placing/removing voxels
    • Easier to add new voxels, one no longer needs to attach to existing voxel. Placing them directly on the green outline works as well now
    • Ability to duplicate a layer with a 4th game mode. This will allow realistic size clay forming recipes (i.e. the planter) without making these recipes super tedious in a future update
    • Fixed minor render bug 
    • Rotated ingot mold recipe to be consistent with the final product
  • Tweak: New version notification now shows the available version number and "click to download" hint
  • Tweak: Whole tree chopping now consumes less durability and fixed some weird issues with it
  • Tweak: Improved commands /time set and /time add.
    • /time set now only alters the time of day instead of the whole date. The colon may be omitted now (:)
    • /time add allows larger ranges than 24 hours. The colon may be omitted now (:)
  • Fixed: Mod asset loading was broken
  • Fixed: Logs no longer burnable
  • Fixed: Log item names broken
  • Fixed: Lag spike issues when placing or removing items in the firepit smelting slots
  • Fixed: Sign blocks had wrong collision/selection boxes
  • Fixed: Charcoal pile again not dropping enough charcoal
  • Fixed: Sign texts starting to glow when liquid metal is poured into a mold on some machines
  • Fixed: Firepit block state no longer switching between lit<->extinct
  • Fixed: Autosave going haywire if a very large interval is chosen. Can now set to 0 to disable autosave.

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I've run across a few issues with this new build.  I installed over a previous build and continued my previous game.  I remaped my controls so that CTRL and Shift are switched as I like to hold shift to sprint like in many FPSs. (I did this when I first started the game a few days back and its worked perfectly)

When I hold shift and right click something from a chest it goes into my inventory like normal.  When I open the firepit UI menu and shift/right click my fuel source it disappeared entirely.  Lost of full stack of coal this way.  Luckily a quick CTRL/ALT/Delete saved it when I reloaded the game.  I tried this again, this time with soil and it also dissapeared.  This time I manually placed the fuel, crucible and copper into the proper slots but when exiting the firepit UI, I could not reactivate it.  I couldn't activate anything actually, including my chests.  I was going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the game but I believe the installer does that already.

I just attempted it again and after pulling the resources from my chest with right mouse button,  once I exited the chest UI, I was not able to access the chest again and the fire UI wouldn't open at all this time.  Its as if my right mouse button was disabled after one or two uses.

Edit: tested this on a brand new game and everything seems to work fine.  If I go back to my previous save though I still lose the function of RMB after one or two uses of it.  Must be an issue with previous saves

Also, where are the save files located? 

Edited by DMKW
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16 hours ago, DMKW said:

I've run across a few issues with this new build.  I installed over a previous build and continued my previous game.  I remaped my controls so that CTRL and Shift are switched as I like to hold shift to sprint like in many FPSs. (I did this when I first started the game a few days back and its worked perfectly)

When I hold shift and right click something from a chest it goes into my inventory like normal.  When I open the firepit UI menu and shift/right click my fuel source it disappeared entirely.  Lost of full stack of coal this way.  Luckily a quick CTRL/ALT/Delete saved it when I reloaded the game.  I tried this again, this time with soil and it also dissapeared.  This time I manually placed the fuel, crucible and copper into the proper slots but when exiting the firepit UI, I could not reactivate it.  I couldn't activate anything actually, including my chests.  I was going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the game but I believe the installer does that already.

I just attempted it again and after pulling the resources from my chest with right mouse button,  once I exited the chest UI, I was not able to access the chest again and the fire UI wouldn't open at all this time.  Its as if my right mouse button was disabled after one or two uses.

Edit: tested this on a brand new game and everything seems to work fine.  If I go back to my previous save though I still lose the function of RMB after one or two uses of it.  Must be an issue with previous saves

Also, where are the save files located? 


Hi DMKW, Sorry for your troubles. It is generally not advisable to forcefully kill the game, as this can corrupt your savegame. This is what maybe happened to your chest/firepit that can no longer be opened - it's could be the result of missing block entity data. 

In case of your loss, you could also get your stolen coal back from the creative inventory (via /gamemode 2). So far we're unable reproduce the itemstack disappearing issue, any chance that your items ended up in your baskets/bag or a nearby chest?

Your savefiles are in %appdata%/VintagestoryData/Saves - can you send me the affected save game? Might help to find the cause of the issue.


4 hours ago, Cork55 said:

I fired up a new map earlier and noticed that some of the shallow ponds water did not cover all the ground. There was water inside the pond, but also half the pond was dry and the water just stopped.

Yea, it's a known bug that I haven't gotten around fixing. I'll look into it once more. Thanks for the reminder.

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