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gamma/lighting options


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at night it's impossible to see even with gamma at max, I would like to see an option in settings to adjust it so you can actually see a little bit at night and not just have a black screen with white dots in the sky at night. 

having a torch works great once you have one but I think an option to lighten things up a little bit would be nice.

the default would of course be left the same for those who want the blackness of nothingness to consume their screen at night if they don't have torches or fires lit but a nice little option for it would be nice. I thought that's what gamma was for but gamma doesn't seem to work for me so maybe if it's broken and not working right it could be fixed but if it's working as intended then yeah I'd like on option to lighting things up a little.

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Darkness is supposed to be dark imo. Gamma is for adjusting the already visible areas, not the completely dark ones. If it were like Minecraft, anybody could see everything in the night, so carrying a torch would be practically useless (if not even discouraged, because it drains your hunger faster). The darkness is there for the atmosphere of the game, providing the fear of the unknown, and for gameplay reasons, making going into the dark more dangerous, as enemies could be coming without the player being able to see them beforehand.

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if we were talking about inside caves and such I could agree but outside not so much.

I can see in the country without any street lights porch lights traffic lights or any other kinds of light on a clear night with stars visible like that and I can see perfectly fine for a reasonable distance. not as far as I can see in the day but decent enough I don't need a torch to walk through the fields at night. the stars should provide some kind of natural lighting at night so you can still see having bright stars like that is nice and pretty but if that's all you can see it makes no since to me. maybe even have moon cycles where it's even more light at night on a full moon. 

the only time it should be soo dark you can't see anything but absalute blackness is if your in a cave or some enclosed area with no natural lighting. 

it only makes since that the stars provide some kind of natural lighting at night less so when it is cloudy or raining but on a clear night you should be able to see just fine a reasonable distance. not as far as daytime of course but something. 

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21 hours ago, Erik said:

The darkness is there for the atmosphere of the game, providing the fear of the unknown, and for gameplay reasons, making going into the dark more dangerous, as enemies could be coming without the player being able to see them beforehand.

Exactly. And normally it isn't even pitch black and you actually can see a little bit, unless it is a starless night. Maybe it's your monitor or it's settings, if you really can't see anything in normal nights.

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On 10/28/2020 at 7:01 AM, junawood said:

Exactly. And normally it isn't even pitch black and you actually can see a little bit, unless it is a starless night. Maybe it's your monitor or it's settings, if you really can't see anything in normal nights.

The TV I use as a monitor works just find and I can see in every other game just fine. but yeah every night it's pitch black nothing to see not even the tool in my hand but I can look up and see all the stars so obviously not a starless night. I can even see the moon at nights but other than the stars and the moon everything is pitch black. for a cave I would understand that as I mentioned before. I have settings mostly default. I turned up gamma and nothing happens so I don't bother with that anymore.

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