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What is /weather actually telling me, and how do i use it to find a good place for windmills?


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Can someone help me understand the info /weather is giving me. Are these percentages static for a given area? what does the tl@975/976, ect mean? what is the noevent(v=0.642) mean. 

Is this actually telling me the percentages that of different weather condition at the particular location? Can i use this to find a good windy place for windmills?

2020-12-09_02-26-03 (2).png

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The wiki says (https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Mechanical_Power) that


"...On a technical level, windspeed varies from region to region and is linearly interpolated between the 4 nearest weather regions, for a given block location. Windspeed will increase by 1% per block above sea level."

So the higher you are, the better. In my single player world I stumbled upon a mountain which almost reaches the build limit and built a forge there. The wind is always strong enough to run 2 helve hammers at full speed + quern and/or a crusher.

I suppose the "tl@975/976" thingy denotes one of the above mentioned weather regions. I am almost 99% sure that the output of the /weather command merely states what the current conditions are and that its output cannot be used to determine if a certain location is a good place to build a windmill. 


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the letters in front of the @ might be the the type of weather region and the numbers behind the coords of it, the first percentage will then show you how much these regions influence the weather composition at your position. the other percentages will be the momentary weather in the regions but the options shown may indicate what type of clouds (and with that weathers) can be expected from that specific region.

I'm still unsure if it could be possible to derive the perfect windmill position with the given data.

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