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Could a world be transferred to a server and keep it's settings?


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A friend and I are using G-Portal to run a small server, and while operating it we are having difficulties adjusting settings and getting them to stick. Main point, after figuring it out and finally adding some mods, we came to the conclusion to go ahead and restart with a new world. Yet, nothing worked when it came to changing the server's world name or seed, it would default back to its original designation. Eventually I managed to get it working by just deleting the server's save of the world, and having the config set to a new seed made it finally go through with the changes. After playing a bit, realized no custom settings were applied so I ran the commands and restarted the server. All said and done, I came to the conclusion again that a new world would be great as plenty of exploring was done and new chunks are rather far away already.

Okay, the meat's done and here's the actual question: Could I upload a single-player world, with all of its world generation settings, and use that instead? If this is done, would I have to modify any settings afterwards, namely month length, world size and ore density?

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Yes, you can absolutely do that. In fact it's almost the recommended way, due to how a singleplayer world has so many more configurable settings.

You need file system access for this to work. I don't know G-Portal, so I don't know if they offer it. But you need to manually upload the world file to the server, and then modify the server's config files to load that world.

Beyond that, there shouldn't be anything else to do. All the settings you mention can be configured when you create the singleplayer world, in the 'Customize' menu, and they'll all transfer with the world to the server.

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Aye, I have the capability of accessing the server files, an FTP program connecting to it was how we did the mods in the first place. So, I don't need to do anything else besides point the config file to the uploaded world file? Thanks for the help though!

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For a related question, is the only change we need to make to the "serverconfig.json" file to point it to the correct .VCDBS world save file (plus mods folder if we're using mods)? Or do we need to make sure that config file has the correct world seed and other world settings (like map size and world config stuff)?

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What I did was edit the serverconfig.json to point to the proper .vcdbs world save. Just in case, I also touched it up to have the correct world seed and map size. In regards to the world config stuff, the serverconfig.json file defaults to null, which I think means the settings used by the world save are used instead.

After all of that, my serverconfig.json would save everything except the file it points to, but I assume that was due to me not shutting down the server while making these edits, so part of the restart process would overwrite the file name. My work around to brute force it was to just name the uploaded .vcdbs as the default one listed in the sserverconfig.json. 

Finally, heads up, not sure if its due to my IP or what, but my character selection settings and position were saved from the singleplayer creation of the world. If you dont want to go through the process of dealing with charselect on the server, go ahead and make sure your character is the setup in the singleplayer world when you find the world you want.

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