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Higher seed drop rate for some new trees, so that you can actually propagate and use them / bigger seeds


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I have tried to plant such trees.  Part of the problem is my brown thumb, but even so not all the seed created by a plant is viable either.  How much is outside of my understanding and I have no desire to research such info.  I argue that seraphs aren't arborists and the seed drop rates are a reasonable facsimile of their lack of expertise in raising trees.

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On 6/13/2023 at 11:35 AM, PhotriusPyrelus said:

I mean, if you want to talk about realism, a single oak tree produces literally hundreds of acorns...  You can't have a pine or maple tree without your yard being completely littered with pine cones or 'helicopters' in the Autumn.  So why do we even have to break blocks to get tree seeds?

i totally get your point, but again most of those seeds never sprout and there's a fun reason for the oak ones, and in the other hand a lot of them are eaten, fall in a too shady place and at least in the field my parents have all pinecones are eaten by squirrels and luckily we have a sprount once every few years but that's it. 

Oak trees, as I said, are really really fun, because they control the squirrel behaviour. they produce a regular amount of seeds (low quantities) so squirrel population keeps low for a few years, then they sky-rocket the production of seeds one year and have a massive increase of fertile seeds, with so many nuts the squirrel adopt the "i have to store a lot of food for the winter" instead of eating as much as possible which makes them bury the seeds (edit: yes, they bury the seeds every year to have food in the winter, but the "bloom years" are special and the squirrel eat less seeds in general because they can store a lot more), planting a lot of fertile seeds in the process. since the tree produced so many seeds the squirrels are unable to eat them all and paired with the fact that they forget where most of the seeds are planted (this is really fun tbh) you get a massive reproduction of trees and if i remember correctly this behaviour is a loop of 5 years which consist of a 4 "famish" years and one "bloom" year.

once planted the seed has to sprout and survive which is a whole new story. oaks have a strong relationship with other life forms in the wild. you can plant an oak and it may spout and grow, but without the proper conditions, and mind-blowingly without the proper fungus and the amount of "brothers", it will grow "ill-looking", with a small trunk and not so many leaves and it will be quite prone to illnesses.

things that make seeds not sprout: 

not proper symbiotical relationships close-by.
not enough brothers
too crowded space
not a cold-enough winter
too cold winter.
not a wet-enough spring
too wet
not a fertile seed
not fertile soil
too fertile soil
not enough light
too much light.
too arid
too mineral rich
too close to bioaccumulators (such as the fly agaric)
too many pests 
too much poo and/or pee
ground too acid
gound too basic
seed having a strong growth inhibitor (thus not sprouting before decomposing)
seed not having a strong growth inhibitor (thus sprouting in non-optimal conditions and dying)
seed not having a strong enough root-producing agents (thus not having the proper root system and dying out of starvation)
ground too soft (seeds get buried too much)
ground too hard (plant can't develop roots properly or get washed away by rain)
terrain suffers a lot of transit (animal paths)

so... do you rather have 100 seeds in your inventory which are only obtainable in the fall and on top of that only one of them sprouts into a tree or do you prefer to have 1/100 chance of getting a seed which will sprout for sure?

do you want realism? make any crops that have >45% water rot in 3 days 

Edited by 1Joachim1
tweaked a few details
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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of the seemingly tougher-than-expected "Make the random numbers work out a little higher on leaf blocks" ... how about this.


If the tree has **NO** leaves, it will **always** leave a seed. Because, presumably, you've pruned the heck out of it trying to get seeds. One "bonus" seed means you can propagate any tree, and it also doesn't become too ludicrously simple. 


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  • 3 months later...
On 6/21/2023 at 8:30 PM, Maelstrom said:

I have tried to plant such trees.  Part of the problem is my brown thumb, but even so not all the seed created by a plant is viable either.  How much is outside of my understanding and I have no desire to research such info.  I argue that seraphs aren't arborists and the seed drop rates are a reasonable facsimile of their lack of expertise in raising trees.

I'd rather have a high tree seed droprate like IRL with a nursery system than a low droprate where seeds germinate 100%.

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