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Domestic dangers: hostile bee hives


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I would like the introduction of dangers that appear specifically in a base over time. Some people suggest that builds may decay over time, but I oppose anything which can detract from hard work. My first idea is to introduce more bees. Yellow Jackets or Wasps; the idea is that these nests will be naturally hostile to a player within a certain radius. Since bees are weak, I do not expect them to pose a significant danger to the player. My hope is that in spring time they would generate on player built structures rarely; and prove to be a nuisance. This occasional and interactive danger I hope would make the world feel more so as if it were alive. 

This idea has came to me after recently spotting a very large wasp nest on my house; it is a danger that appears every so often irl and reminds me that the natural world still exists. 

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I think maybe having bees nests have an automatically hostile option, and having simple bees nests spawn with that variable set, would be a good way to do this--both making a sudden danger to the player, and an opportunity to find bees outside of forests after the first year passes. This variable existing would also make it easy to make bee-based traps, if there was some way for the player to force set that value, maybe crafting a hostile bee nest with a skep and a beenade that became hostile as soon as there was no player in range and remained hostile until discharging. Even if it weren't possible to make hostile beehives, they would still be useful for map creators. I think adding wasps as a separate thing might be a bit of a load in the code, so maybe this is a more elegant solution?

Poisonous spiders are a cool idea, maybe the nest can only appear in certain biomes(well, temperature humidity and height mixes, which is what VS actually has) and on certain blocks, so the player can avoid them (no one wants to unavoidably be poisoned at random intervals) or can be avoided by keeping up with a regular chore like burning a certain mix of chemicals on a fire, sweeping problem blocks with a broom or scrubbing them with a metal brush, or leaving out a little poison within 7 blocks of them. Other pests could work similarly, maybe rats or ants in cellars? Cellar pests could very slowly (like, 5%/irl hour) break storage vessels and crocks, requiring you to go into the cellar every now and then and right-click the vessel with anti-pest solutions if you don't have a long-term solutions like poison or a tamed cat for rats.

You should always be able to figure out what the threat is in your area and defend against it though, once you're in the copper or maybe the bronze age, because living in the iron or steel age and unavoidably losing progress or health to environmental threats. Modern people may still have to put in a bit of effort to deal with pests, but we aren't losing all our stores of food or being stung/bitten within an inch of our life on the daily.

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All of these also needs to be considered carefully as it may present an unfun factor to most players.  Maybe these pests become a more prominent problem after copper or bronze age since there's enough existing chores to accomplish in the stone and early copper ages.  It should definitely be optional.

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