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How to dry a bowstave?

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Hi Doctorego7,

yes, it is kinda obvious. Keep it in an "open" container until it is cured. Your inventory works fine. Crates and baskets won't, as they count as "closed". I heard technically, a barrel should work but there was a bug with that so it didn't work. Maybe that was fixed. See if it works. And please be patient. Without the Better Archery mod, drying those things takes a while!

EDIT: If you mouse over the bowstaff, it should tell you the drying progress in%.

Edited by Chrysander
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15 hours ago, SeismicWolf said:

I came to the Forums just to find this out, The Wiki had not been Updated and there is no mention in any of the Games Guides. I kept moving the Stave to different Locations but it still had a 0% Dry on it. What is considered an Open Container?


I think Chrysander discussed that...


On 7/30/2021 at 7:18 AM, Chrysander said:

Hi Doctorego7,

yes, it is kinda obvious. Keep it in an "open" container until it is cured. Your inventory works fine. Crates and baskets won't, as they count as "closed". I heard technically, a barrel should work but there was a bug with that so it didn't work. Maybe that was fixed. See if it works. And please be patient. Without the Better Archery mod, drying those things takes a while!

EDIT: If you mouse over the bowstaff, it should tell you the drying progress in%.


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