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My Idiosyncratic Adjustments

David Stark

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A grab-bag of tweaks to customize the game to my liking. If there's anything in here you like, feel free to use it, or ask me to split it out into its own mod.

  • No more copper age giant window panes: Smelting quartz now produces glass bits that can be further crafted into wooden and leaded glass panes. Full glass blocks require glass bits and iron. Wooden window panes are quite pretty, I think.
  • Meteoritic iron is pre-iron-age: You can mine meteoritic iron with bronze tools, but it smelting it yields far less. Making meteors the source of rare but powerful items rather than a minor upgrade for iron.
  • Recycling copper items from panning: You can smelt copper arrowheads directly, and use a chisel to break copper spear heads into copper bits. No more being stuck in the stone age with a hoard of copper items you can't smelt down for some reason.
  • Firewood-to-sticks recipe: No more being short on sticks despite having lots of wood and sharp tools.
  • Disabled cob and packed dirt: Prevent really cheap and ugly constructions. There's still mudbrick.
  • Cobblestone takes longer to break: Prevent everything being made of recycled ruins. You can still do it, but other options (again, e.g mudbrick) are now more interesting.


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Not a fan of compacting many different things into a single mod. As long as the mod isn't big, a config file like @Hells Razersuggested might be sufficient, but if it gets bigger making parts of it into their own mods is better (some people have no real internet flatrate and/or have only ISDN speeds, yes internet in Germany is worse than in most third world countries).

And putting it in separate mods helps troubleshooting and finding incompabilities too, though I doubt there is much potential for such problems in here.


11 hours ago, David Stark said:

Recycling copper items from panning

That's something i saw many people requesting in other topics, and definitely something I'm interested in.

11 hours ago, David Stark said:

No more copper age giant window panes

I like the look, but like the vanilla leaded glass panes they look a bit too flimsy compared to any valid wall, I think they would look better if they'd be half a slab thick (or maybe even 75% of a slab) as the game doesn't allow for slimming the wall (sure i can chisel it down but then it breaks the room). But keeping the main material for greenhouses locked until iron age tech level seems extreme, especially as you can craft full glass blocks with 2 clear quartz and 4 sticks too (even though the blocks are a bit milky then).

11 hours ago, David Stark said:

Firewood-to-sticks recipe

What do people do with sticks? i don't know where to store more of it, even in compressed form I fill up several chests fast (because of the low chance of tree seed drops and as leaving leaf blocks connected to a tree use up durability of my axe when felling it, I just have to break many leaf blocks manually)

11 hours ago, David Stark said:

Disabled cob and packed dirt

As long as there is still dirt and hay blocks you only limit early game buildings to even cheaper materials.

11 hours ago, David Stark said:

Cobblestone takes longer to break

Without a pickaxe it takes quite long to break cobble stone (at least if you do it to more than a handful of blocks), and as cobble is really cheap, I don't think making it a bit sturdier does help preserving ruins; and as even dirt blocks are less ugly than mudbricks I doubt anyone changes to using mudbrick because of it too.

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7 hours ago, Hal13 said:

But keeping the main material for greenhouses locked until iron age tech level seems extreme, especially as you can craft full glass blocks with 2 clear quartz and 4 sticks too (even though the blocks are a bit milky then).

Yeah, being unable to do greenhouses is a problem. I think the proper solution would be to allow vertical placement of glass panes. Also, I disabled the clear quartz and sticks crafting recipe. :D

7 hours ago, Hal13 said:

What do people do with sticks? i don't know where to store more of it, even in compressed form I fill up several chests fast (because of the low chance of tree seed drops and as leaving leaf blocks connected to a tree use up durability of my axe when felling it, I just have to break many leaf blocks manually)

Sometimes I have too many sticks, sometimes not enough. I mostly use large quantities for ladders and pit kilns, I think.

7 hours ago, Hal13 said:

Not a fan of compacting many different things into a single mod. As long as the mod isn't big, a config file like @Hells Razersuggested might be sufficient, but if it gets bigger making parts of it into their own mods is better

Totally. This mod release is more intended as a way to see what people would like separated out into their own mods.

7 hours ago, Hal13 said:

As long as there is still dirt and hay blocks you only limit early game buildings to even cheaper materials.

Ahh but I play with soil block gravity enabled. And yeah, hay blocks are still an issue. I want to see if I can enable block gravity for them.

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3 hours ago, David Stark said:

Ahh but I play with soil block gravity enabled. And yeah, hay blocks are still an issue. I want to see if I can enable block gravity for them.

wouldn't that solution work for cob and packed dirt, too? Instead of just disabling them, i mean. Those are technically soil blocks after all, aren't they? enabling gravity for hay blocks would prevent players to use them for roofing and if you aim for people building more interestingly scaffolding is very much needed.

3 hours ago, David Stark said:

I mostly use large quantities for ladders and pit kilns, I think.

Me too, I always have several kilns burning and i don't collect back ladders I use in mining, I even use sticks to start cooking and melting. But still I keep on accumulating chests of layers of sticks... I don't mind having a recipe or two for making sticks, after all I don't have to use it, I just wonder every time people complain about the stick shortage as I can't think of anything I passively collect in huge amounts else than sticks (sure i collect huge amounts of stones too, but at least there are more uses for them)...

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13 hours ago, Hal13 said:

leaving leaf blocks connected to a tree use up durability of my axe when felling it

AFAIK it does not. Unless it has changed in 1.16.0

Will go and double check just to make sure though.

I dislike using mudbricks and similar materials because they often get destroyed when deconstructing them, and then you have to go and make more, which is annoying.

Edit: Also I like them all being in one mod but toggleable as it makes it easier when updating from version to version.

Edit 2: Yup, verified it. 7 log tree with full compliment of leaves cut down, axe lost 7 durability.

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17 minutes ago, Hells Razer said:

AFAIK it does not. Unless it has changed in 1.16.0

17 minutes ago, Hells Razer said:

Edit 2: Yup, verified it. 7 log tree with full compliment of leaves cut down, axe lost 7 durability.

Really? When did that get changed? Nevermind that's going on a tangent, thanks for checking though.

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On 12/27/2021 at 10:08 PM, Hells Razer said:

I have been playing since around 1.14.8 and it was already like that.

Just checked it myself in 1.15.9 (btw. i'm playing since 1.12) and felling a birch with 3 log blocks and a handful of leaf blocks resulted in 4 durability damage to the axe.

EDIT: Strange, chopped down a pine with 14 log blocks and many leaf blocks just now and it only used 14 durability... There seems to be inconsistencies...

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I'd also like to see a config file for this; I like some of them and I don't share your disdain for packed dirt as it has many uses besides just building blocks (around pit kilns for instance because it doesn't grow grass) I don't build with cobble from ruins but I do like removing them from my base area so I'd be highly annoyed if they're harder to break.

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