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Cant sell bread to traders


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I have seen that his is most likely a known bug and that it should have been fixed but I recently updated to the latest stable update and now I find myself unable to sell bread. The traders want bread and I have the bread type (and baking grade, not half baked or charred/ burned, only perfect loafs) they want, in the stacks they ask for, but I am unable to put the bread in the sell slots. I do not experience this problem with other wares, only bread (so far I have only tried spelt bread). 

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Traders will not buy any food that is past a certain point of its shelf life. They'll happily take freash bread, but if you thought to unload your 1-day-left stack that would otherwise just spoil, they won't take it.

Don't remember what the freshness cutoff point is. Half, maybe? I'm sure someone else can chime in.

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