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When does grass regrow?


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The only times I've seen it grow are when the coverage of the dirt block changes, that is, when it changes from bare to very sparse, and again to sparse, etc., or whatever those levels of green are called. Farmland grows, but not just dirt.

There are some who have seen other behavior, but it must be fairly rare, or settings other than more or less Survival. I've let a 20,000 tile dirt field alone (using Survival settings except for passive creatures and 0.25 hunger)  run for about 12 hours real time, and another 8 or so the next day and never saw anything grow. Now granted, that only got me through a couple years, but it seems to me if it were going to be useful, it would have happened in that time. (No, I wasn't bored, just letting it run on the machine next to me while I was working. Listen for the sound of hunger pangs, top up, and back to work.)

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