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Taska Raine

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Posts posted by Taska Raine

  1. Big brain time! Brain tanning, a technique for tanning hides to create leather inspired by Native American techniques, is now implemented in Ancient Tools. It's available for download on the main post!

    This version of the mod should be compatible with Vintage Story 1.16.0 RC-4 and later. Hopefully the official 1.16 release too, when that arrives. 


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  2. Ancient Tools has been updated, and users can now configure the mod to their own needs. Some config options are now available and, when this version is loaded for the first time, will create an 'AncientToolsConfig' file in the ModConfig folder found here: C:\Users\{your name}\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\ModConfig

    Options include:

    The ability to disable salves and bark bread,

    Mortar grinding time, adze stripping time and salve mixing time can be tweaked,

    Mortar output count can be increased,

    Bark count gained per log can be increased or decreased


    If anything goes wrong with the config file and causes issues, simply delete the file and the mod will generate a new one when it launches again.

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/30/2021 at 9:22 PM, Travis Pluid said:

    Is there any possibility for a freshly landed Meteor to smoke for a while, making it easier to find them? I've only ever been able to find one, an Iron-Chert Meteor, because it crashed into the side of a pond and caused flowing water.

    I do have destructive meteors on.

    Probably could do something like that, yea. I'm most worried about them becoming too easy to find. Maybe implementing that but having it turned off by default would be the way to go. Players could choose to turn it on via a config option if desired.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Travis Pluid said:

    So, what's the new update include?

    Just some minor fixes, really

    Bark basket names are properly displayed immediately after crafting, salve containers with beeswax now display the tooltip properly, fixed a thing where bark and beeswax could be put together in the salve to create bark oil, instead of bark and fat, and salve containers now have contextual world interaction information

  5. 1 hour ago, Heiress said:

    This is where its going wrong, I can't seem to right click the wax or bark into a salve container

    Oh and also, the sneak right clicking with a wax ingredient also doesn't seem to be working (but the crafting of it works fine.)

    I can't seem to replicate either issue in a creative world with only Ancient Tools installed, unfortunately =/.


    If it's not too much trouble, could you load up only Ancient Tools and vanilla mods into a creative world as well and try to attempt those actions that aren't working?

    If it does work, then there's likely a mod conflict somewhere. I'd like to know which mods you're using in that case to try and track it down.

    If it does not work, then I'd need to have a look at some of your log files to see if an error occurs someplace. For Windows PCs these would be located at /AppData/Roaming/VintagestoryData/Logs. I'd probably need server-main, client-main, server-debug and client-debug

  6. 19 hours ago, Heiress said:

    Hey I'm having trouble with the salve recipes, I can't seem to get them to work despite the ingame guide supposedly telling me how to,

    How do I put the bark and wax into one of the pots?

    Also the bark baskets aren't localised properly yet.

    A cooking pot first needs to be converted into an empty salve container before it will take any salve ingredients. This can be done by sneaking then right clicking a placed cooking pot with any salve ingredient(birch/pine bark, fat, beeswax). Or, you can craft a cooking pot together with a birch/pine bark to get an empty salve container.

    With an empty salve container placed on the ground, you can then right click to load up the container with birch/pine bark and fat. A second salve container will need to be filled with beeswax. The tooltip will tell you exactly how much of each ingredient is needed, then will convert into a separate block when filled that can be picked up and cooked on a fire pit.

    After each is cooked, place one on the ground and hold the other in hand. You can sneak and right click while looking at the placed container to pour one into the other, then you should get your finished salve ^.^


    If the localization issue you're mentioning is the basket name not appearing properly after crafting, that'll be fixed in the next update. Thanks for reporting!

  7. 9 minutes ago, Filvandrel said:

    How do you create salted meat? The salt and barrel method makes cured meat, which I cannot put on the curing rack. And I'm not sure if it's a conflict with another mod which results in missing recipe, or am I doing something wrong?

    It's crafted in the crafting grid by placing raw meat between two pieces of salt, vertically

  8. Here's a little bugfix update for you all. Some minor stuff that should make life with the mod a little easier~


    --Adze(and related)

    Stripped logs now only drop the ud directional variant when broken.

    Created a compatibility recipe for Building+ derbarked wooden supports. They can be crafted directly by using stripped logs.

    Added the molds to the Ancient Tools creative tab.

    --Curing Rack(and related)

    Fixed an issue where the curing hook GUI image hid the number of hooks in the stack.

    Improved the block interaction tooltips for the curing rack.


    • Like 2
  9. A much requested tool in the Vintage Story Discord now makes an appearance in Ancient Tools! The adze, a tool used to strip bark from trees and shape wood into various forms. This tool can be knapped, smithed and smelted just like other tools in the game and used on trees to peel off its bark, leaving a stripped version of the wood behind. The bark itself has many various uses that will be detailed in the spoiler below.



    More things to burn! Dried out tree bark makes for great kindling to start your fires.

    All barks can be crafted into cute little baskets to hold your goodies.

    Some inner tree bark is edible! Pine and birch bark can be ground down into a flour(with the mortar and pestle, preferably ;3) and formed into dough, then baked in a clay oven to create bread.

    Pine and birch bark also have unique medicinal properties. Using these barks, it is possible to create healing salves that heal the user over extended periods of time. There's a detailed guide in game that explains the process.

    Have fun stripping, I know I will~

    • Haha 1
    • Amazing! 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Shadowfire117 said:

    Ah, yeah I tried with longer lifespan and finally one crashed and ore was spawned. Thanks for the explanation, and once more thanks for a stellar mod! Do you plan on making more random weather event to liven up the skybox?

    You're welcome ^.^

    I'd love to see something like that, too... even more extreme weather phenomena seems like it'd be a cool addition to the game. I'd love to revisit some things in this mod at some point, like implement atmospheric meteor showers that last for an extended period of time, and make it possible for meteors made of rocks that don't exist in the VS worldgen to spawn. Beyond that it's all 'I hope to see it some day!'

  11. 2 hours ago, Shadowfire117 said:

    A very lovely mod! I love having a meteor come by and liven up the day! I'm currently on 1.5.5, but no matter if I set meteoric destruction to true or false. They always explode mid air and the particles rain down. My big confusion is that I have scoured 7 sites so far where I have confirmed I was underneath it, but no traces of small meteoric iron clumps nor any craters. Is this a possibly a bug or something else?

    Naah, that's still by design. It's quite rare that a meteor will hit the ground and make a crater with the default settings. If you're wanting to see them hit the ground more often then you'd want to increase the min and max meteor lifespan config options.They only ever drop resources when they hit the ground, too.

  12. This latest update to Ore Crystals for version 1.3.3 brings a whole bunch more bug fixes.

    @DancingHoskuldCrystal locusts will no longer attack players with passive/never hostile modes enabled. Hearts won't get angry in never hostile mode.

    @ruggbeanThe crashes related to low durability tools being used to break crystals should be gone now.

    @LisabetThe crash you had with obelisks should now be properly fixed, and quartz crystal seeds should be craftable. Chisels and pickaxes should now take proper durability damage on obelisk breaks.


    Thanks to everyone for bringing these issues to my attention!

    I still couldn't find the issue with some crystals not illuminating... I had read something about lights not showing at higher elevations in the world, but haven't confirmed that. I'd imagine this would be more prominent in worlds with a higher world build limit.


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    • Cookie time 1
    • Amazing! 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. Ancient Tools now brings curing racks to Vintage Story!



    Curing racks are extendable blocks that can be placed upon solid surfaces or elevated if they have appropriate support on either side. Curing hooks can be crafted from bone and attached to the rack. Salt up some redmeat/poultry/bushmeat in the crafting grid to create salted meat and hang them on the rack until they cure.

    Make sure you have a controlled environment, though! Meat can still spoil...it's best to set these up in a cellar.

    • Like 3
  14. 4 hours ago, DancingHoskuld said:

    I usually play with mobs "Never Hostile" because of arthritis, unfortunately it seems your critters don't abide by that option and I die.

    Oh sorry, I wasn't aware of this. I'll look into having them respect that setting in an update. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 21 hours ago, Blanc said:

    While trying to solve some other issues I've been having I noticed that I get this error:

    [Error] [orecrystals] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
    System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
       at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
       at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
       at OreCrystals.CrystalColour.InitColours() in C:\Projects\vsmods\mods\orecrystals\src\utility\CrystalColour.cs:line 14
       at OreCrystals.Init.Start(ICoreAPI api) in C:\Projects\vsmods\mods\orecrystals\src\utility\Init.cs:line 11
       at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryStartSystem(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModEventPhase phase)
    [Error] Failed to start system OreCrystals.Init

    Mod seems to work fine regardless but I thought I'd post here to let you know about it.
    Will note I'm on 1.15.1 and I get the error with the latest version of the mod (1.3.2).

    This will be addressed in the next bugfix patch ^.^

    @infinitetechIt actually makes me want to build a rainbow lit pathway to some mystical area or something... x3

    @LisabetIt's just sooo hard to be certain of anything with the distance at which the picture is taken. Those darker bits could be ambient wind particles making it look like silver, who knows?

    I'll be keeping an eye open for any oddly coloured glows and try to figure out what the heck's going on

  16. I've made some much needed modifications to the mortar & pestle that should make them perform more as expected. Download is available in the main post!

    Previously, when interacting with the mortar, there was some noticeable lag. This has been eliminated at the cost of losing synced rotations between the user of the mortar and any onlookers.

    The pestle animation is now far smoother.

    Particles colours now properly sync between all players.

    Audio and animation(without pestle rotation) should sync between all players.

    • Like 1
  17. @samkee00Definitely not intended, they should all be a white glow if it's all quartz. I've never come across a rainbow of colours like that. Is this in some newly generated chunk? Or something that's existed for a while? Did a reload of the world change anything? Is it just this specific section, or is every crystal in the world behaving similarly?

  18. @Lisabetcame through with some more bug reports that have now been fixed!

    Mainly, obelisks can now be broken with chisels as intended, and the crystal planters should be reliably craftable. Note: There's only one recipe detailed in the handbook for them. Due to a limitation I encountered, that has to be the case. When crafted, they will output the correct block, however. The handbook entry should help explain this, it's been improved as well.

    Additionally, stack sizes for hearts and grenades have increased and I've made some minor language modifications.

    • Thanks 1
  19. Hey everyone! The Crystal Harvest update is upon us for Ore Crystals, and is ready for Vintage Story 1.15.

    This update completely overhauls the harvesting mechanics for Ore Crystals and provides a way to grow them yourself. There are now crystal-based creatures to find, some new world gen, and a handful of new items and blocks to play with. If you want more details, they're hidden in the spoiler of the main post, have a peek there ^.^

    Thanks for checking out my mod~

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