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Everything posted by EreticKB

  1. Most of people not interested in things, which not affect their gameplay in obvious way, but if we delete from game all these things, then game becomes non-functional shreds of code and textures. I can spam copies of this topic (even with different words), but instead i just prefer to bump it until devs say that they read it.
  2. See food bar as: Above 1250 - satisfied 1000-1250 - Hungry 750-1000 malnourished 0-750 - Starving. 0 - get health failure due to long food deprivation.
  3. Do you press grain or just "put and forget"?
  4. Bump. Just to be on first page.
  5. I like it, i hope you like it too.
  6. I dunno why, but seems when game start and when world load game uses different basic procedures. Just like "Awake" and "Start" methods in Unity and as if "Awake" used only when game start or mod kicked in. So some things disabled when you offload world and load it again, coz "Awake" not executed, only "Start".
  7. May be you can set something like "Sticks are ignored by recipe system", so we can just fill non-used slots with them?
  8. So, it EF trouble, ok. They not fully disappear, just crafted and not crafted same time. If you reload world without closing game you get ingredients back.
  9. @l33tmaanBtw, how mixing bowl works? I try ctrl+right click, but it's only open as always and no effect when i try fill it from hopper (hopper fills all empty slots as always).
  10. 0.6.9-dev7? Yes.
  11. When i disable XSkill (or reloar world without closing game, coz some parts of XSkills disabling in that moment, like your trouble with visually empty pot with salad.) all works fine. Disabled XSkills and Xlib Enabled XLib and XSkills, but after reload world. Enabled XLib and XSkills, after fully reload client or if XSkills/Lib was disabled when you first load game (load game with disabled mod - load world - exit world - enable mod - load world). Also, i dunno which mod, think XSkills too, to lazy to check, broke pie making, after reload world only all works fine.
  12. Since you say about using vanilla cooking for salads i found trouble. XSkills has part that affects cooking and cause conflict between mods. Interesting, that syrups and other not affected.
  13. Ok, usually, for most recipies, i don't need use correct proportions, just more than minimum I think you must highlight it in help then will patch help file in future. For example about proportions: With fully correct proportions (without empty slot not working too):
  14. Something wrong again.
  15. What i doing wrong?
  16. Add it as suggestion. I'll be glad if you support with likes or posts. Seems no many modders in this part of forum.
  17. Add patch-able file, which collect item's special tags (more than one per item) and using this tags instead items in recipies. It'll lead to better mod's compatibility with each other and lesser troubles with game updates. Example: Mod has recipe with mushrooms. Update adds 26 new mushrooms Now: autor must add 26 new recipies per one existing recipe. With Item Dictionary: all old recipe works fine, coz all new mushrooms has tags: mushroom and ediblemushroom or poisonmushroom. Also any mod which adds, for example, eggs, will work fine with mod above, coz it's fire dragon egg has tag, among other, "egg". P.s. It's just like Ore Dictionary for MineCraft, but as core part of game, not imported library.
  18. I think VS really needs something like ore dictionary in minecraft. So ppl can add their own item, tag it as, for example, egg, this item will work in any recipe, what demands egg.
  19. Because it's not about fixing EF trouble?
  20. Pre-gelatin recipe seems broken. With 50 lites of bone broth and 25 bones i get 0.25 liters of pre-gelatin. In other world, creative, it not works at all, i dunno why.
  21. I found trouble. No any signs about content while in firepit. :(
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