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Spear and Fang

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Posts posted by Spear and Fang

  1. Just a brief update that is somewhat related to the OP fishing - in the next release, everything related to catching fish will be customizable (frequency and odds).  In addition, there will be configurable chunk based depletion/repletion rates for fish.

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  2. Untitled.thumb.jpg.60300bed203764a4a4faec9802fd99c3.jpg

    What did I change?  More than I probably should have....sorry!  Including some pretty irrelevant stuff at this point.  I kept some notes:

    - added lang file (en.json)
    - added creative mode "Bloomeries" tab and assets to that tab (this just makes it easier to test in creative mode)
    - added -north to bbbase recipe output (and had to rework that output after rearranging variantgroups - see below)
    - removed game: prefix from some things, most notably behaviors - because it was throwing errors 
    - rearranged variantgroups in betterbloomerybase and everything related to that (quite sure horizontalorientation has to be the last variant in order for that to work).  It was certainly crashing the game prior to doing so.
    - not sure exactly what was preventing the code from working (needed to be in a src folder?  class registrations not quite right?  I don't know for sure)

    You'll see that I removed a bunch of code and tidied a bit up in order to simplifying troubleshooting and get things "functional" quickly.  Obviously you've got a ways to go!  With any luck you won't need a custom entity class for that base, but I didn't look at that code too closely. You *might* need a custom block class for the chimney in order to match tiers...maybe.  Or just let players mix and match tiers when placing blocks, but prevent interaction with the base (in your existing base block class) if the chimney is the wrong tier...if you catch my meaning.

    FYI:  When it's referencing .Code.Path in the c# code it's talking about the blocks json "code" (+ variants) i.e. "betterbloomerychimney-tier1" or "betterbloomerybase-tier1-north".


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  3. 4 hours ago, SturgeonFish said:

    All good, I appreciate the help. I had all recipes/drops/stacking working before adding the classes and making the mod a code mod. Now that I have switched and added these classes nothing is showing up, blocks or otherwise. I'm not seeing any errors in the logs either and I'm wondering if the classes are even being registered properly.

    Your code is looking really good and nothing obvious stands out (other than a few minor things that likely need to be tidied up).  Can you upload the entire mod so I can take it for a spin and maybe get a handle on what the problem is?  PM it to me if you don't want to share it with the world.  :)

  4. On 5/28/2021 at 9:20 AM, CorpseFactor said:

    What's a good place to start with Developing mods for Vintage Story? I'm looking to get into it in order to try my hand at more in depth Beekeeping. I'm a bit lost unfortunately in where to start and locating guides.

    I started with the modding section (bottom half) of the wiki.  Worked through it pretty much end to end.  Lots of info and good examples there.


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  5. 23 hours ago, SturgeonFish said:

    Ok, I've gone and created clone classes for the base/block entity. I've switched everything over, including all references for the chimney. I'm not seeing any of my blocks show up or any recipes working now. Does anything here stand o ut as wrong?  

    BetterBloomeries.cs 26.44 kB · 1 download

    Sorry I’m only on my phone for a couple days so I’ll be brief.  If you use the original vanilla classes and place a vanilla chimney on top of your new bloomery base, does it work?  I’d verify that first before testing your new class(es).  Then focus on what the server-main.txt log is complaining about to work the bugs out of the new class

  6. On 5/21/2021 at 5:37 PM, SturgeonFish said:

    I am working on a mod to add bloomeries made out of refractory bricks, and I've managed to get the recipes/drops working fine. all that's missing is getting the base to properly act like a normal bloomery. I have this at the start of my base block .JSON:

    "code": "betterbloomerybase",
      "class": "game:BlockBloomery",
      "entityClass": "game:Bloomery",


    And I've tried it without "game:" without luck. Are there any extra hoops I need to jump thru in order to inherit the bloomery class? I should also mention that my added blocks (base & chimney) follow a block-{direction}-{tier} scheme, I don't know if that's complicating things.

    At a glance...

    You shouldn't need the game: in there, but looking at the BlockBloomery class I immediately came across this line:

    if (aboveBlock.Code.Path == "bloomerychimney")

    Which could be problematic for sure.  It's expecting a block with the exact code path of "bloomerychimney".  So the vanilla chimney.

    Anyways, you might have to make your own clones of the classes (BlockBloomery.cs and BEBloomery.cs) to make this work for you.


  7. Yes, you can place rocks and then find worms under them.  That’s the reason why the odds of finding something under them is so much lower (to minimize the cheese). You can’t place a stick or flint once you pick them up.

  8. 1 hour ago, Hexedian said:

    Earthworms are actually extremely rare in practice. You might not find any after stacks of sticks and stones picked up. The one place I found a lot of them was in an empty charcoal hole, for some reason.


    That's intriguing.  During playtesting I was consistently finding one per real life minute when I focused my efforts entirely on finding earthworms.  In my current survival world, I generally come home with 1/2 dozen every in game day that I'm out exploring (although I'm quickly running out of quality places to look).  I've brought more than 100 home, although they eventually die off or escape.

    I'm starting to think that my temperature queries aren't always returning the correct temperature.  I believe that there's a 20% chance of an earthworm being under a stick or piece of flint for example (if the other conditions are met) and a 5% chance with a regular stone.  You'll never find a worm under a stone with minerals (i.e. quartz, copper).


  9. 5 hours ago, Pamela Wild said:

    Where can I find the earthworms?? I've looked and looked, but no luck!!!

    It's a little tricky.  Run around and pick up sticks and rocks (especially flint, but other rocks too) that are lying on a grassy surface (namely: soil).  By pick up, you need to actually pick them up (like right click, NOT break them and pick them up).  Also, the temperature needs to be between 0-30C.  

    If all those conditions are met, you should find several worms under those sticks and rocks in short order!  

    If you're hoping for even more earthworms, take @Quixjote's Richer Than Dirt mod for a spin, which will let you pan up worms o' plenty!


  10. 1 hour ago, adres4t said:

    Hi. Is there any way to remove 'leftovers' of the mod from the save file? I had to uninstall better stairs for troubleshooting corrupted ID table, even tho it is essential in my game. Still, is there a way to get rid of mod ID's from the save? Blocks are all gone now but I can craft one of them via primitive survival stake recipe and it looks like stake

    As you see its effed up a bit ;D

    VS stake.png

    Wooyaaa, I don't think that you're going to be able to fully recover from the situation you're in.  Block/Item ID's are assigned dynamically for each saved game (so, basically randomly when you generate a new world or add a mod), and if I remember correctly the saved games are SQL Lite or some such so there's not a lot I can do to help.  So sorry.

    You *could* try putting the betterstairs mod back in, but I think this will just make things worse (unless the very last thing you did was remove it).

    I've heard of this happening to people a few times in the past (where block/item mapping became corrupted), and I don't think any of them were able to recover from this situation.  The only takeaway for them was to back up their saved games once in a while.

  11. It should be relatively easy to keep earthworms away from farmland in the interim.  They can't climb at all (so even a simple 1 high block wall should keep them out) and do not spawn naturally, only when you pick up a rock or stick.  And of course you can just pick them up if you happen to see one.  It also takes quite a while for an earthworm to convert farmland into worm castings.

    Side note:  I've made a number of changes to Primitive Survival to make it Carry Capacity friendly, so these sorts of issues seem...inevitable.  :)


  12. 2 hours ago, Papa Cheese said:

    Out of curiosity, do the trotlines, weirs, etc act as containers? Ie, if I were to put a hopper or chute below the active water block would it pull the catch out? I'm working on an idea for a community food center on our server to help our newbies stay fed till they can get themselves settled and stable and I was considering ways to add fish to the available options. If they don't work that way does cellar mechanics have any effect on the decay rate of caught but not gathered fish?

    I did not know the answer to either of those questions @Papa Cheese, but you had me curious so I tested it out.  The results:

    I'm both happy and disappointed to report that no, you cannot use hoppers or chutes to remove fish from any of my traps.  I was quite surprised that this didn't work (because they are all basic inventories much like a chest), and if it did it would have also removed fishing hooks, bait, and lures.  You *might* consider using a similar technique (with chutes/hoppers/chests) to keep troughs full for some livestock (i.e. chickens) so that lots of chickens are readily available for new players.  I've heard that that this trough automation works.

    Cellar mechanics do indeed appear to work though, so if you're catching fish in a cellar you can expect them to last a lot longer (maybe twice as long?).

    My only other suggestion is to simply have a bunch of trotlines setup, since fish (1) can't escape (2) will rot on the hooks, but will eventually disappear completely, and then (3) will be replaced by more fish.  I'm not sure how effective this would be, but one would expect to always find a mixed bag of raw fish, rotten fish, and no fish on a series of trotlines.  

  13. Hey now, quit playing around with the fish!  I'm over on discord telling people that I'm pretty much done with fishing as they're proposing even more changes to it.

    Kidding aside, that sounds like a reasonably easy fix and a good idea, so I've added it to my to-do list.  Thanks @l33tmaan!

    • Thanks 1
  14. You might be right about being able to do it entirely with json Digitalr (or at least close to entirely).  I only quickly looked over every related to firewood.  Peat is an entirely different thing (it's got all of its own classes for some reason), but there's definitely a lot of similar code there. 

    I wouldn't know for certain without diving in and trying to do it, and I tend to overthink things.  :)

  15. Well I took a quick look, but it would take a LOT of work for me to make this functional.  

    My recommendation is that work through the Programming and Game Objects sections of this page:  

    ...and most everything before that if you haven't already. I'd also recommend that you look at some existing mods, lots of the source code can be found on github.

    In a nutshell, if you need to rewrite those classes, they'll all need new unique names, and will need to be properly registered.  If you plan on using those vanilla classes as templates, you'll either need to make them compatible with an older version of c# like 6.0 (that is, if you want them to just sit in the mods folder and therefore let the game to compile them), or you'll need to set up a true development environment that will precompile them with a newer version of c#.  

    Sorry, but I simply don't have the interest or will to build this mod!


  16. IMO, adding mods at any time isn't much of a big deal.  Never hurts to back up your saved game more often when doing so, but I've seen it done many many times on various Twitch streams without incident.

    Removing mods is a bit more problematic (for obvious reasons).  In general, one could expect in game blocks to simply transform into white blocks with question marks, because those blocks were a part of a mod that no longer exists, and you could run around and break them because they are simply an eyesore.  But some mods are more complicated than that - they add more than just content, so removing them would take careful consideration.  

    There are cases like you've linked to above where block mappings have gone "off the rails".  I'd like to think that it's uncommon, but it can definitely happen.  

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  17. Agreed.  Most of the magic happens in firewoodpile.json, but it's associated classes "BlockFirewoodPile" and "FirewoodPile" are referencing an item that is simply called "firewood" (the item you're talking about).  It would take some elbow grease to rework all of that into the variants you're after - those two classes would need to be tweaked, as well as firewood.json and firewoodpile.json.  Doable for sure, but...

  18. Itemstacks = new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(world.GetItem(new AssetLocation("paper")), 😎 }//item not found

    If that line above works with vanilla items, then prefix paper with your modid + : (look in your modinfo.json for your modid) and see if that fixes it...i.e.

    Itemstacks = new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(world.GetItem(new AssetLocation("mymodid:paper")), 😎 }//item not found

    • Thanks 1
  19. 1.  Remove the space from your code.  code: "woodenbeehive",

    2. Put the class back in, this is where some of the "magic" happens:   class: "BlockSkep",

    3.  You need the type variant group

        variantgroups: [ { code: "type", states: ["empty", "populated"] }    ],

    This works in conjunction with the code to create your unique blocks...in this case


    You *probably* don't need the "side" variant group, that just handles rotation

    4.  Now that you've cleaned up your unique blocks, you can put the entity class back in.  This is where the rest of the "magic" happens

    entityClassByType: { "*-populated": "Beehive"  },

    Note that the "*-populated" is basically a wildcard search of your unique blocks, and will apply the Beehive entity class to  "woodenbeehive-populated"

    5. This sound wasn't working before, and needs to be changed so it works now...to this:

    ambientByType: { "*-populated": "game:creature/beehive" }

    See #4 for the reason why I removed the -* from the end of populated.

    6.  If you want an empty behive to look different than a full beehive, then the "shape" should be "shapebytype" to handle the transition of the model from an empty woodenbeehive to a populated beehive, so SOMETHING like

    shapebytype: {

            "*-empty": { base: "block/wooden beehive" },

            "*-populated": { base: "block/wooden behivepopulated"}


    Where  "wooden beehive.json" and "wooden beehivepopulated.json" are two models sitting in your shapes\block folder.  There's more elegant ways to write that, but what I wrote above would work.

    After all of that, it may work to some degree, but I doubt it.  It totally depends on how accepting the BlockSkep class and Beehive entityclass are of your two new blocks.  My guess would be that they won't work without rebranding them as your own, which would mean rewriting them in c#.  

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  20. Agreed. I think what I'm going to do is make it so that the fillets just always come in pairs.  Change the display name from fillet to fillets and double the saturation again.  That will make things the way they used to be from a cooking perspective.  Thanks for your input!

    Edit: Not change the display name (because that might look weird in the recipes), but change the model so it looks like two fillets.

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